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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 375

"Mr. Spence?"

Emelia leaned forward slightly and called him in confusion.

Seeing that Trevor still had no reaction, Emelia asked with concern, "Mr. Spence, what's wrong?"

Emelia called him twice. Only then did Trevor come to his senses.

He smiled awkwardly at Emelia and said, "Well said!"

What else could he say other than that?

However, at that time, Emelia added, "Oh, she is really my daughter. Her behavior is completely my style."

Vincent's words were equivalent to announcing that he also agreed with Emelia's decision. He didn't want to hire Tara either.

Trevor felt that he was about to have a heart attack. Tara was still waiting in the car outside, waiting for him to persuade Emelia. Then she would come in and pretend to be close to Emelia.

In fact, Trevor didn't want to put in a good word for Tara in front of Emelia. The drama was his turning point. He didn't want his reputation to be ruined by Tara's acting, but Tara kept whining in front of him. He was so annoyed that he had to agree in the end.

He didn't know how to continue the topic when his cell phone rang. It was Tara. She probably thought that he didn't want her to go in.

Tara probably didn't know that Emelia wouldn't agree. She thought that Trevor could successfully persuade Emelia with a few words.

"I'll take the call."

Trevor smiled apologetically at Vincent and Emelia. He quickly took the phone and got up to leave.

As soon as Trevor went out, Vincent immediately praised Emelia with a smile. "It seems that Dad underestimated you. I thought you couldn't handle these troublesome people and things. I didn't expect you to deal with them so perfectly. That's great!"

"Dad wanted to refuse him for you."

Vincent spread out his hands. He was eager to protect his daughter.

Emelia said softly, "In the past, I always wanted to be as kind as possible to people, but later I found that some people were not worth it. And many times, the kinder I was, the more they felt that I was a pushover."

Emelia had suffered a lot from Heather and Caroline over the years, so she understood the principle deeply.

She used to want to get along well with Heather and Caroline. She wanted to have a family who loved each other, but later she found that no matter how kind she was, she couldn't get their affection and respect. They even thought that she was easy to bully.

Tara was not a good person to be trifled with. She could not be a grateful person. As a mistress, Tara had deliberately ruined others' marriage. Emelia did not want to have anything to do with her at all.

Besides, she didn't want to ruin Vincent's project.

Although she was just a screenwriter, since she was asked to recommend actors, she would recommend actors who have acting skills.

Of course, in the end, she might not be able to resist the power of the capital, but at least she had tried her best.

Before Vincent could say anything, she heard a quarrel outside. Then, the door of the private room was kicked and opened. Tara rushed in angrily.

"Emelia! Who do you think you are? How dare you mock me like that?"

Tara yelled as she rushed towards Emelia.


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