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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 391

Emelia and Nina followed Arthur into Julian's ward. Before Emelia could greet Grandpa Hughes, Julian suddenly got off the bed and took her into his arms.

"Where did you go? What makes you so long to come?" Julian held her tightly in his arms as if he got something back unexpectedly.

Emelia didn't know how to respond to Julian.

She thought Julian would be as distant and aloof as he did before their divorce.

But he acted so differently. What should Emelia do?

When they were still married, Julian had never acted passionately about her, let alone held her in his arms.

Emelia's body stiffened as Julian hugged her. Nina said, "Mr. Hughes, I didn't know you're such a good actor."

"Nina?" Julian looked at her and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Nina sneered as she stared into Julian's eyes to find a flaw.

Nina was a sophisticated and award-winning actor with many years of experience, so more or less, she could tell if a person was acting. But she could not find a trace on Julian's face.

Emelia pushed him away and asked calmly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but they won't let me leave the hospital." As Julian spoke, he reached out to hold Emelia's hand as if Emelia would leave any minute. He whined to complain, "They told me that we were divorced. Ridiculous!"

Emelia looked up at him and said sternly, "We were."

"Impossible!" Julian was in disbelief. "I never thought I'd divorce you!"

Emelia pursed his lips and looked at him with a complicated expression.

She was unfamiliar with this new Julian. Did he really never want to divorce her three years ago?

But Emelia still told him the truth, "I filed the divorce, and you agreed."

Julian clenched her hand and argued, "I won't do that."

It occurred to Emelia that Julian didn't agree to the divorce at the beginning and that she had humiliated him at the anniversary celebration and forced him to sign the divorce paper.

But now was not the time for that. She pulled out her hand. "Let me go."

Ezra grumbled from the side, "we tell the truth and now turn to his enemies. I think he got paranoid after the car crash, and he keeps blaming us for cursing him to divorce!"

Emelia failed to pull her hand out and asked, "Do you trust Grandpa Hughes?"

Julian was overwhelmed with resentment. "Not really. I knew he didn't care about me at all. He only cares about you! He has always been on your side."

"He hated me when I mistreated, so he helped you lie to me."

Grandpa Hughes tried hard to swallow his anger.

"Oh, you know that?" Nina judgmentally asked Julian.

Julian looked at Emelia with his gaze full of regret. "I know I was a bad husband. I was panicked when I woke up from the car accident without you. Then I realize I can't live without you."

"Emelia, I promise I'll cherish you." Julian pulled Emelia to his chest.

Nina felt unbelievable to see this.

What the hell was happening?


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