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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 404

Derek graciously invited Emelia into the box. Emelia said, "Derek, how do you feel now? On the safe side, you should have spent more time in the hospital."

Derek said, "It's not a big problem. The older I get, the weaker I will be. It doesn't matter if I don't get angry."

"As long as you're all right," Emelia said.

After the dishes were served, Derek asked Emelia to help herself. They began to chat and eat.

As expected, Derek drugged Emelia. Emelia felt a little dizzy at the end of the dinner. And then she collapsed on the table as if she was drunk.

Derek beckoned a waitress and asked her to help Emelia out.

Emelia remained conscious, but her strength left her.

Derek deliberately asked the waitress to help Emelia out so that the others would not suspect him or call the police.

After Emelia was helped into Derek's car, Derek asked the driver to drive away. Derek looked at Emelia and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Jones. I have no choice."

"I can't watch Suzanne being tortured."

Emelia felt limp and couldn't say anything. She pretended to look frightened, though she was not afraid at all.

Derek was very cautious. He turned off her mobile phone at once.

Nevertheless, Julian installed the high-tech GPS locator from the police somewhere on Emelia's body. The locator was so small that Derek didn't find it when checking Emelia's clothes and handbag.

Emelia felt pathetic when she was sure that Derek was involved in this matter.

Derek was too stupid. Larry was suspected of kidnapping and extortion. As an accomplice, Derek wouldn't be able to get away with punishment.

Derek's car galloped all the way. After turning a few corners, they finally arrived at an industrial park, which Derek wanted to sell.

The most dangerous place, to some extent, was the safest. No one had expected Larry to hide here.

Julian drove the car with a long face and followed Derek silently.

His palms were covered with sweat.

Julian wanted Derek to meet up with Larry quickly so that Julian could rush to save Emelia.

However, something went wrong after the car arrived outside the park.

Derek's car could get into the factory, but Julian's and the police cars couldn't.

Julian frowned. Two policemen in his car quickly made a decision. "Mr. Hughes, get closer to the wall. We can go over the wall."

Julian was thinking the same thing, so he turned the steering wheel and drove the car there.

Nonetheless, he got out of the car with the policemen and said with a firm look, "Let me go with you."


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