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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 431

It had never occurred to Julian that his protection would be misunderstood by Emelia as stalking.

He leaned against his seat and rubbed his forehead, "It's me."

Emelia didn't know what he meant, "What?"

Julian explained embarrassedly, "I mean the car following you is mine. I've been waiting for you at the mansion after dinner. I intended to keep you accompanied along the way without informing you but I didn't expect you to view me as a stalker."

Emelia, who got quite nervous with the thought that she was being stalked. Luckily, she gave a phone call to Julian first. Otherwise, the situation might have gone quite embarrassing.

Julian advised her, "You find a place to park your car and I will get back in your car."

Emelia agreed and parked her car. Then she saw Julian got off the car following her and then walked over to her car.

Julian sat beside Emelia and Emelia said embarrassedly, "You know you don't have to... Ah...."

Before she could finish, Julian bent over and kissed her.

His breath together with a faint smell of wine shattered Emelia's reason and inspired a sense of desire in her mind.

After he finished the kiss, the man stroked her cheeks with his long fingers while whispered to her beside her ear, "I came to wait for you because I missed you so much, Emelia."

Emelia pushed him away gently with her face flushed. Then she started her car and set off.

It was already late at night. If their car remained parked alongside the road for a long time, then the passers-by might have doubted what they were doing it inside the car.

And they hadn't met each other for only an afternoon and an evening. His words were quite exaggerated.

On their way back, Julian didn't do anything to disrupt her but lean on his seat and took a nap.

Emelia parked her car down her apartment and was about to go upstairs. But Julian took her hand and said in a soft voice, "Shall we take a walk?"

Emelia was quite surprised. It was the first time that they took a stroll hand-in-hand since they got married.

Such a normal thing between couples was so rare between them.

Emelia couldn't resist such an invitation so she nodded slightly.

Julian then took her hand tightly and led her to a path sideway.

At first, Emelia couldn't get used to it and she was so nervous that her palm began to sweat.

Julian' situation was similar. His palm wasn't as dry and warm as it used to be in normal days.

It was quite that the couple, who had been in a romantic relationship for several times these years, would get nervous simply because of a short walk.

Julian stopped. He turned to Emelia and said softly, "Do you feel cold?"

"No." Emelia nodded.

She was the type of person who couldn't resist the coldness so she often wore a lot when got outside.

But now she couldn't feel cold anymore for her brain had already stopped working thanks to the romantic atmosphere.

Julian let her hand go and took out a piece of handkerchief from his pocket to rub their palms. Then he smiled, "Seemingly, we are both a bit nervous..."

Emelia coughed and quickly changed the topic, "You only wear a coat out your shirt. Don't you feel cold?"

"No, not at all." Julian then took her hand again and walked forward firmly.

Now his heart was burning and his blood was burning. How could he feel cold?


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