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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 433

Emelia started her persuasion when she lied on the bed together with Julian after they had sex.

Weekend arrived again, which meant Emelia's training had completely ended.

Like what he did last time, Julian came here from Riverside in the evening and headed towards Emelia's hotel from the airport directly. He wanted to pick up Emelia from here back to Riverside City.

But when he called Emelia outside the hotel, he was told by Emelia that she had a dinner party to attend and she asked him to get back.

Emelia explained in case Julian would get confused, "It's the dinner party after the training ended so I think I should attend it.

Julian could do nothing but to agree, "Okay, I will get back first."

It was also a kind of social engagement and Julian knew what he would do facing such a dinner party.

Julian got back to his place and grabbed something to eat before he started to wait for her.

To ease the pain of waiting for Emelia, Julian had been working in his study since he went back to his place. After he had finished his work at hand, he checked his watch and found that it was already 10:00 at night.

He phoned Emelia instantly to ask her why she didn't come back.

When he had a dinner with Trevor Spence, he came back at nine to accompany Emelia.

When Emelia answered that call, Julian said, "When will you be back?"

"I'll be back soon," Emelia said in a soft voice, from which Julian knew she was drunk.

Julian knew Emelia could drink a lot and remain sober. But if she got drunk, she would appear like a little girl in front of other people. Over this, Julian didn't want to let her drink as much as she could.

"I will come to pick you up," he said while walking out of his study.

"No, you don't have to," Emelia still refused on the phone but Julian had already put on his coat and went outdoors.

When Julian arrived at the restaurant where the dinner party was held, he saw a group of people saying goodbye to each other at the door.

His enchanting girlfriend looked quite brilliant among those people. In the evening of early spring, she stood upright in an ivory-white woolen coat, which made her looked like a little princess.

He didn't know why he would think she was the most beautiful girl among them.

In his eyes, even Nina Sanchez, the super star, couldn't be compared with his Emelia, let alone the actors present.

He parked his car and walked over to them. The people around her noticed him in surprise first and then quickly greeted him smilingly. Julian also greeted them by nodding slightly and then he held her pretty girl, who was still a bit stunned, in his arms gently.

Emelia didn't know he was here until she found herself in his arms. She looked up at him surprisedly, "Why are you here?"

With her innocent and sweet smile in sight, Julian couldn't help but give a slight kiss on her forehead, "To pick you up."

Emelia was silent.

And all others present was speechless.

It was said that if one didn't appear to be embarrassed in an embarrassing situation, then it would be others present who got embarrassed.

Therefore, though he knew it was a bit in appropriate to show off his love for her in public, Julian still remained quite calm and looked at Emelia warmly.

Then it was Emelia and others present who felt embarrassed.

Emelia's got flushed and she buried her little face in Julian's embrace awkwardly.


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