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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 437

What happened between Ezra and Maisie made Emelia feel extremely bad.

Julian intended to ask her when she would take him to see her parents, but now he dared not say that.

Now he decided to tell her about this when she calmed down.

After the breakfast, Emelia leaned on the sofa in a bad mood. Then Julian held her in his arms and said, "Would you like to hang out?"

Actually, they hadn't gone shopping together before and he wanted to take her out. He wanted to buy her whatever she wanted, clothes, purses, shoes, or jewelry.

He remembered that Caroline loved to purchase purses in the past. When he went on a business trip abroad, Caroline would send a picture of a purse she wanted to him to urge him to buy it for her.

"No," Emelia shook her head.

How could she go shopping right now?

She was worrying about Maisie. Maybe she had got depressed by this accident. Maybe she couldn't sleep well or eat well right now. and she was also worried whether she could give birth to her baby smoothly or not.

Julian stroked her hair and asked again, "Maybe go to the cinema?"

"Not in that mood," Emelia shook her head again.

Julian was a bit embarrassed. He would suggest to take her out because he knew she was bad in mood right now.

Suddenly, Emelia looked up at him and said, "I want to fly to Grafstin to visit Maisie."

Julian comforted her hastily, "I've phoned the subsidiary at Grafstin. They said she was fine and she had already gone back to work."

"But I'm still worried about her," Emelia said worriedly, "Her baby was also poor. Suzanne McBride and Larry McBride's thing had already affected her. Now there was again a car accident."

"With the things the baby has undergone during pregnancy, he or she would grow up someone great in future," Julian would say whatever he could to make Emelia happy.

Emelia urged him again, "Maybe you can get back to Riverside City now?"

Julian was speechless.

Emelia said hastily, "If you don't go to warn Ezra's father, I'm still afraid that he would do something to Maisie."

Julian felt quite disappointed.

He had arrived at the capital just yesterday evening and now she was driving him away.

"Please, Julian," Emelia shook his arms and said in a soft voice. How could Julian refuse her?

Emelia looked quite weak but actually she was a strong woman in fact. Now as she was begging Julian,

But as he remained silent, Emelia thought he didn't agree.

Therefore, she fixed her eyes on him and said, "You said you would listen to me, didn't you?"

Julian smiled while looking at her face, a lovely, red face.

He hoped she could get more active in their relationship. Now she was still a little shy in front of him.

"Okay, I will get back to Riverside," he agreed, "But I want you to go with me."

Emelia said in a low voice, "But I want to accompany my parents..."

She went to Riverside City after the new year holiday to take care of Julian. Now she had only met Vincent once. Now as she was still in the capital, she really wanted to spend a few more days with him.


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