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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 439

Julian didn't tell Heather he would come along for her, so she burst into tears as soon as she saw him. She sprang forward and put her arms around him so tightly that as if he had been a life-saving straw.

Since her last call to Emelia, she had not made another call to inquire about his reply, thinking it would be a little annoying to do so. So all she had been doing was waiting anxiously. For the first time in her life, she had prayed for her son to listen to Emelia, which sounded so irony to her.

"Let's get out of here right away. I don't want to stay here for one more second." she said, wiping tears off her face after done crying. Seizing Julian's arm, she headed for the door.

Julian asked, frowning slightly, "Don't you have to pack up?"

"There is no such a need. I have got all my papers, that will be enough. I will get all the other stuff when we are back," said Heather, who wanted nothing but to leave the country and the apartment that had been suffocating to her.

After that, Gerhard came downstairs. Looking expressionless, Julian informed him, "I am here to bring mom home."

"Hmm," muttered Gerhard indifferently.

Julian added, "please go back to Grandpa's, if possible. He's quite old, you know."

Heather gave Julian a yank after hearing that, unsatisfied with his son's kindness to the man.

Unmoved by her reaction, Gerhard replied aloofly, " I will consider it."

Without saying another word to him, Julian turned to his mother and said, "Please go get your papers. I will be waiting."

With a nod, she circumvented Gerhard quickly before rushing upstairs, as if he had been some monster.

"So you and that Emelia something are back together?" asked Gerhard, sitting in a sofa without asking Julian to take a seat, knowing that he would never do so.

"Yes, we are, "answered Julian mechanically standing in the entrance, anxious for his mother's reappearance and to get out of the place.

Gerhard took a sip of his coffee and continued to say, "Have a happy life together. Don't mess it up the way I did. "

Julian turned away his face.

His father had no ground to lecture him right now.

Julian didn't respond to the remark, leaving the father and son as silent as they had always been around each other all these years.

Heather soon came downstairs with all her papers, and walked out of the door without even taking one look at Gerhard. Before Julian turned around and left, he raised his head towards him as a way to say goodbye.

As Gerhard sat by the window, quietly watching his wife and son until they were out of sight, he thought there was nothing he could do to make it up with his wife, who was so obstinate and domineering that he found it depressing to live with her.

If she had agreed to divorce back then, they would have at lest been able to make some polite small talks with grace when they met.

But she would rather die than get a divorce, so they were stuck with each other and then finally turned into enemies.

Heather hated him for being a womanizer, while he loathed her for rejecting a divorce, so it would never be rightful for him to see someone else.

But then he felt glad to think of the changes of his son.

He would never have asked him to go back ever if it wasn't for Emelia.

She is a great kid, especially to Hughes.

Julian wanted him to return to that home just because as a grandson, he hoped that his grandpa would be able to see his son for the last time when it came to his death.

Julian took his mother to a hotel, and while checking in, she asked, "I thought we would go straight to the airport."

Julian said, a little impatiently, "I just spent more than 10 hours on a plane and went straight to your place, hardly got any sleep, so I am dying for a nap, mom."

Julian might have expected it from his mother, who was a selfish woman and would always be.

She would never care about whether he'd got enough sleep or not. The only thing she cared was how long it would take to go home.


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