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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 455

Maybe Emelia was in love now and cared about her figures so much. So her first reaction after realizing that she gained some weight was to know Julian's opinion on this matter.

Who knew that Julian didn't reply her for a long time! Emelia thought that maybe he was busy and didn't see it. Then she became a little annoyed at herself. Why did she tell him such trivial things? He was so busy every day. Would she bother him on this kind of things?

But she guessed it completely wrong. Julian was really busy scolding the senior executive who made a mistake in the morning.

But after receiving her message, he immediately checked it out. The senior executive wiped the sweat from his forehead. He finally could breathe a sigh of relief.

But Julian didn't reply to her message immediately because he was considering how to reply.

He feared that he would make her unhappy by giving the wrong answer, especially when it came to women's figures.

After deliberating for a while, he suddenly looked up at the trembling senior executive and asked, "If your wife asks you if she has gained weight recently, how would you answer?"

The man didn't react for a while. After being stunned for a while, he laughed and said, "My wife is already a big girl. I will tell her directly that others can't tell whether she gains weight or not."

Julian was speechless.

"Go away." Julian didn't want to look at him again, and simply drove him away.

The senior executive was waiting to hear this. He turned around to open the door and then fled out.

Being scolding by Julian was so fucking scary.

If it went on like this, he suspected that he was going to pee his pants. He didn't know which one sent a message to Julian, and finally saved his life.

Julian finally calmed down after the senior executive left. He called Emelia and asked, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

Emelia said in distress, "I just tried on the dress, but I can't zip it up. I gained a lot of weight."

Julian couldn't help laughing. Even she gained some weight, she still didn't weigh more than 50kg. She still looked slim.

"You look good." Julian coaxed softly.

"Really?" Emelia pinched her waist, "I feel like there are puckers and bags on my waist."

Julian said in a low voice, "Let me see tonight."

Emelia didn't know how to continue.

Forget it! She'd better not talk to him anymore.

So she said, "Did I disturb your work? I'm sorry."

"No." Julian said quickly, "Emelia, I like you like this. I like you to tell me all your feelings. In this way, I will feel that we're very close and we're in a real lover relationship."

If the woman he loved didn't act like a spoiled child or talk to him about her everything, he couldn't feel her feelings for him.

"You don't have to worry that you will disturb me when you call me during working hours. No matter what the situation is, I will answer your calls and reply your messages."

"You are the one I love and will be my wife in the future. Nothing is as important as you." Julian said a lot in one breath.

After speaking, he was a little amazed at how he could say such sweet words like that. He always thought that he was a little dull in relationship, but he didn't expect that he was not stupid at all now.

Sure enough, if he fell in love with someone, even the most indifferent person would change a lot.

After hearing his words, Emelia was so moved that she choked up, "I see. Thank you!"


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