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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 463

After all, this was relevant to Julian's willingness to stay in the same house with Heather, so Emelia didn't answer. She raised her head to look over at Julian.

Julian's eyes were full of refusal. He tried hard to tolerate the migraine and said, "No, thanks."

Then he pulled Emelia to leave.

Julian believed his head would explode if they went to Heather's house and listened to her drone.

Emelia could tell he didn't feel well, so she didn't try to convince him. She waved bye to Heather and left with him.

Heather looked disappointed but couldn't do anything. In the past, she wantonly harmed her son and Emelia. She overbearingly wanted everyone to obey her. Hence, her relationship with them dropped to rock bottom.

Heather regretted it and wanted to make it up to them, but it was too late.

Julian asked his driver to send Heather back home. Then he, Emelia, and the lawyer checked into a hotel.

As soon as entering their room, Emily asked, "Julian, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Julian didn't hide it. He leaned against the wall weakly and said, "I have a migraine."

Emelia felt pretty sorry for him. In a hurry, she helped him to sit on the sofa.

"How come you suddenly have a migraine? Shall we go to the hospital?"

Julian shook his head. "No, thanks. Can you ask the hotel service to give me some painkillers?"

That was his old sickness, so he knew it could be relieved if he took a pain killer.

He would recover as long as he couldn't hear Heather's hysterical yell.

"OK." Emelia immediately made a call to hotel service.

The pills were delivered soon. Julian felt much better after taking medicine.

He knew Emelia was worried about him, so he explained gently while holding her in his arms, "When I was little, Dad and Mom fought a lot. Mom always yelled aggressively, like what she did early. As time went by, I had PTSD to this kind of scene and her voice."

After listening to him, Emelia couldn't utter any word, feeling helpless and sorry for him.

She could imagine the scene where Heather fought with Gerhard. She could feel how fearful and sick Julian was when he was young.

Hence, the family of origin's unhappiness would hurt a person deeply.

"Fortunately, I met you. You are always gentle. You won't yell like a lunatic when there's a problem," Julian said, holding Emelia tight while heaving a sigh.

They were destined to be together. Their characters fit.

When one meets a decent person, they can become better.

That applied to him and Emelia. Julian could feel that he had become gentler, more considerate, and more human.

"Well." Emelia nestled in his arms and whispered, "In the future, we'll be harmonious. We can't fight or argue."

In case... If they had a child, they couldn't argue fiercely. Otherwise, their child would be hurt.

Since it was pretty late, they went to bed soon.

The following morning, when they woke up, Tara's apology had been posted online.

It had undoubtedly raised an uproar. Hundreds of thousands of people commented on Tara's Twitter post, scolding her fiercely.


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