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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 475

Naomi was unwell. Emelia called Julian the earlier day. Julian was on the plane to the Capital at the moment.

Although he and Emelia have not officially remarried, he had been accepted by Emelia's family. So, he should be with Emelia when this kind of thing happened.

Julian heard about Emelia's accident as soon as he got off the plane. Thus, he asked the driver to drive to the hospital with a long face.

In the ward, Julian found Emelia's eyes were red. It seemed like she had just cried.

Vincent had to take care of Naomi, so, it was Winston who stayed with Emelia at the moment.

Julian didn't have the time to be jealous. He was full of worries about Emelia. He strode over, held her tightly in his arms, and asked nervously, "What happened? Where did you get hurt? "

Julian looked Emelia up and down as he asked. He was afraid that she had cried so badly because she was seriously injured.

Emelia had just stopped her tears. However, when she saw Julian, she lost control. She buried herself in his arms and burst into tears again.

Julian was heartbroken. He turned to Winston.

But Winston was smiling. He handed the confused Julian a report and said, "Congratulations."


Julian was puzzled. He held Emelia with one hand and took over the report with the other.

After reading the content, he froze.

It was an ultrasound report. Julian browsed it and his eyes finally laid on the diagnostic opinion. It wrote there, "Intrauterine pregnancy, twins alive."

At that moment, Julian's brain went empty. He vaguely knew what it meant, but he couldn't believe it.

His hand holding the paper trembled uncontrollably. He looked up at Winston and murmured, "What does this mean?"

Winston patiently explained to him with a smile, "It means that Emelia is pregnant with twins."

After hearing what Winston's said, Emelia, who was buried in Julian's arms, cried even more.

Having gotten the affirmative answer, Julian put his arms around Emelia and slowly closed his eyes. After a while, Winston heard him choking.

Winston knew that it wasn't easy for Emelia to be pregnant. So, he understood Julian's tears.

"Emelia, you are pregnant now. Be careful of your health. I'll give you guys some space."

Winston then left the ward, leaving the two emotional people alone.

After Emelia was hit by Tara's car, Winston rushed over to where the accident happened. Emelia looked fine, but Winston still took her to the hospital for examination.

However, the result was kind of unexpected. Emelia was pregnant.

When the doctor informed them about it, Emelia was stunned.

She had lost hope of getting pregnant. She had been in the Capital and the medicine that Frances gave her had been used up a long time ago. She didn't contact Frances asking for more.

Besides, Naomi was sick, so Emelia wasn't in the mood to care about her own body.

Her menstruation was delayed for a few days, but she didn't care much about it. Unexpectedly, she was pregnant with twins.


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