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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 481

Grandpa Hughes was very clever and he talked about the gift that Lady Dorothy gave her to compare. How could she not accept his gift?

If she didn't accept it, she will be considered to dislike his gift.

So she had to take these property ownership certificates, and then said to Grandpa Hughes seriously, "Grandpa, I'll take it. But don't say anything that your gift can't be compared with others, these three villas you gave me are all worth a lot in terms of location and area."

These were not ordinary villas, but luxury mansions. Almost the best and most expensive villas in Riverside City are in these three places.

When Grandpa Hughes saw that Emelia was finally willing to accept it, he smiled brightly, "Just a little token of my affection."

Emelia sighed silently. Although she accepted the gift, she felt it was a hot potato, so she would hand them over to Julian.

The two talked with the old man for a while, and Grandpa Hughes sent them away kindly, "It's getting late, you should go back quickly, Emelia needs more rest now."

When their car completely disappeared, the housekeeper raised his eyes and planned to help Grandpa Hughes walk into the house, and he found that there were tears in his eyes.

The housekeeper sighed softly, turned around, and entered the room, leaving Grandpa Hughes alone to calm down.

He knew that he was so happy that he who only ate half a bowl of rice on weekdays ate a full bowl tonight.

After a while, the housekeeper went out to help the old man back to the house, and the old man kept sighing, "That's really not easy."

The housekeeper smiled and said, "It's because you have done too many good deeds and accumulated virtue for the Hughes family."

The Hughes Charitable Foundation was founded by him.

Let alone other good deeds that he did, but the foundation alone had completely changed the lives of many poor children. David and Maisie are only two of the countless children they funded.

Grandpa Hughes smiled silently, and the light in his eyes did not dissipate for a long time.

In his lifetime, he could see the Hughes family having two successors, this is the best comfort God has given him.

As soon as they got home, Julian answered the phone. Emelia saw that his face changed, and then heard him say, "Tara jumped off the building?"

Emelia was shocked and quickly looked up at him.

Julian talked on the phone for a while and hung up.

Emelia asked him in surprise, "Tara jumped off the building?"

"Well, yes." Julian told her in detail, "The person I sent over to watch her said that she was hysterical after seeing our public list of your pregnant B-ultrasound, and then answered a phone call and went crazy."

Julian glanced at Emelia and explained, "When you were asleep, there were actually some eye-popping videos about her past spreading on the Internet, of course, they are all gone now. I guess she committed suicide because she couldn't bear it."

"Indecent video?" Emelia hurriedly dragged him to Grandpa Hughes' house when he woke up. She didn't have time to look at her phone until now, and naturally she didn't know anything about this.

While Julian wouldn't tell her about it in order not to make her feel bad.

"Yeah." Julian nodded, "I don't know who leaked it. In short, it was the last straw."


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