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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 488

That post was followed by a bunch of comments.

"What's the point? They have children. Is it not a matter of minutes to remarry?"

"I bet half a month."

"I bet three months."

"I bet that even if the children are given birth, Mr. Hughes can't get married with Miss Jones."

"Maybe they have already gotten the marriage license and remarried, so what are we arguing here?"

In a bunch of comments, another different one popped up.

"Guys, you don't know yet, do you? I heard that Mr. Hughes proposed some time ago, but was rejected."


"Miss Jones is so cool. I hope that she won't agree so quickly, just letting Mr. Hughes know his mistakes and cherish her more."

"Yeah, Miss Jones is so pretty. Besides, she has talents and good family background. Even if she is pregnant, don't rush to remarry."

Julian took a deep breath and tried to calm himself while looking at these comments, so that he didn't have to find someone to investigate the people behind these comments and then got even with them.

Everyone was gloating over his misfortune. They just wanted to make fun of him, right?

Just now Emelia suggested that they could make time to go to the City Hall. He refused it. He just wanted to make up for a marriage proposal. Now he regretted it. He should immediately go to get the marriage license with Emelia, and then posted it on the Internet to shock these people.

When David knocked on the door and came in, he saw that Julian was angry with the mobile phone. David naturally knew the gloating about Julian on the Internet. He held back his smile and reported to Julian seriously, "Mr. Hughes, the applications are all approved."

Julian finally heard a happy thing. He took the document handed over by David, looked down and said, "It's right on time."

David asked tentatively, "Mr. Hughes, you originally planned to build a film studio for Miss Jones. Now that all the procedures have been approved. Will you use it to propose to her?"

Julian smiled, "Yes."

He said, "I just didn't know how to propose again. Now, this project has been approved."

David said with a smile, "Then I'll congratulate you first. After so long, you and Miss Jones finally have a good ending."

Julian accepted David's congratulations calmly, but then he said, "By the way, have you arranged for the accountant to give the big fat checks to each employee?"

David immediately smiled brightly, "Yeah. Everyone is so happy."

As soon as Julian arrived at the company, he called David to the office to arrange this matter. Emelia's pregnancy was a great event in his life. He wanted to share this happiness and joy with his employees, so each person could get a big fat check.

What David didn't say was that after everyone was happy, they were discussing when the boss would have more children in the future and whether it would be twins again. If they could get another big check, they would make a fortune again.

Julian left as soon as it was time to get off work in the afternoon. As the president of the Hughes Group for so many years, he almost never got off work on time like this. In the past, basically, all the people in the secretarial office were gone, but he was still busy.

When Julian went home, Vincent had already arrived. The father and daughter were drinking tea and chatting comfortably in the conservatory on the second floor.


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