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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 495

Emelia was amused by Anya's words. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and whispered, "You complain about Phil like this. What if he knows it?"

Anya said indifferently, "Isn't it the only two of us who know this? You wouldn't tell Julian, right?"

If Emelia told Julian, he would definitely tell Phil. But if Emelia didn't tell others, no one would know about it!

Emelia laughed, "Of course I won't tell him."

Anya also smiled slyly, "So he won't know."

It was just that although the two of them wouldn't speak out, the way they were talking together in a low voice looked extremely suspicious. Phil next to Anya noticed the look on his wife's face. Then he immediately raised his hand and hugged her into his arms.

"Are you speaking ill of me?" Phil asked directly. It could be seen that he knew that he was often complained about.

Anya stuck out her tongue and smiled, "No, it's just girl talk."

Emelia also smiled calmly and said, "Yes."

Phil glanced coldly at Anya and snorted, "If you have any conscience, you should ask Emelia about how to conceive twins."

Anya tsked and turned to eat. Who would give birth for him at such a young age? In his dreams!

During the dinner, when talking about the wedding of Julian and Emelia, Julian euphemistically expressed to Arthur that he didn't need him to be the best man.

However, Arthur didn't say anything. He only replied sadly, "I see."

Julian first said that the bridesmaids would be Nina and Jean, and then said he planned to invite David and Ezra to be his best man. Everyone immediately understood that it was probably because of Jean that Arthur was kicked out of the best man list.

For Arthur, he could accept that Julian didn't invite him to be the best man. But Jean's refusal to interact with him was what hurt him even more.

This was also the first time that Arthur had truly felt rejection from Jean. In the past, when Jean was still in the hospital, she was only alienated from him. Even in the face of some deliberate difficulties from him, she was never so angry and annoyed.

Now such a ruthless refusal to be on the same stage with him instantly made him know something.

Jean really intended to draw a clear line with him.

Phil was drinking and didn't express any opinion. It was obvious that Julian politely rejected his good buddy for Emelia.

Phil could understand Julian's helplessness very well.

No matter what, they couldn't make their own wives unhappy.

However, thinking of Julian's wedding, Phil couldn't help but felt a little moved. He married Anya but they didn't have a wedding. First, Anya was young at that time, and secondly, she didn't want to make it public, so they didn't have a wedding.

Anya would graduate from college this summer, so they should be able to hold a wedding, right?

Thinking of this, Phil raised his hand under the table and held Anya's hand. But Anya threw it away mercilessly. By the way, she whispered to him, "So clingy."

Phil was speechless.

They were couples. Couldn't they hold hands?


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