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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 501

After hearing Emelia's words, Vincent looked worried. "What's wrong?"

While they were talking, Julian pressed the doorbell at the door.

Emelia opened the door for him. Vincent asked him immediately, "I heard something happened to you. Was it serious?"

Julian was shocked. Looking at Emelia, he asked, "You knew it?"

Emelia held back her laughter and answered, "Nina told me just now."

Then she explained to Vincent briefly what had happened. Vincent didn't know whether to laugh or cry after listening to her. However, standing in Emelia's shoes, Vincent believed Julian had done the correct thing.

Nina was such a gossip, giving Julian a migraine.

He had planned to hide this matter from Emelia to avoid her from being worried.

Emelia whispered to him, "You must haven't eaten anything. Let me cook you some food."

"No, thanks, Emelia." Julian stopped her. "I called the chef at home. She'll cook for me."

Julian didn't have the heart to let Emelia cook for him. As soon as he left the banquet, he called the chef to prepare some food. After picking Emelia up, he could have it.

"All right. You should go home as soon as possible." Vincent didn't ask them to stay.

Emelia replied with a grunt. She picked up her coat and laptop, leaving with Julian.

On the way home, they sat in the backseat while the driver was in front. Emelia whispered, "Julian, you let the woman fall to the lake today. Would the public opinion blame you for being not a gentleman?"

"Since those women could do such disgraceful things, they should have the courage to bear the consequences." Julian still felt irritated when talking about that woman who hit on him earlier. He even decided to ban her.

If Nina hadn't informed Emelia, he wouldn't have been so angry. However, he knew those women purposely hit him because they knew Emelia had been pregnant. In Julian's opinion, they were too despicable and shameful, so they deserved to be banned.

He added, "If I help her keep her balance, the paparazzi would tell the public I had an affair with her. I guess those women had arranged some paparazzi nearby, ready to take photos. In that case, I wouldn't be able to clarify my innocence."

Hence, he dodged them without helping them to prove his innocence.

Emelia had a lingering fear when hearing his words.

She couldn't agree more. If Julian had helped the woman, the photos would be posted online, and the folks would blame Julian and her that their marriage was just a nominal one.

Emelia was pregnant. Although she might know the event's truth, those rumors would definitely impact her mood.

Thinking of that, she took Julian's warm, leaned against his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for what you've done for me."

"Don't mention it." Julian faked being unhappy. "We're husband and wife. We're one. What I've done is for ourselves. You'll also do the same.


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