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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 506

After Emelia's plagiarism had become a trending topic, there were discussions online, but the public opinion didn't blame Emelia. Most of the people online defended her.

Probably it was because all of Emelia's previous trends had been overturned before. Or, probably, the public had known her well. Hence, not many of them believed Olivia's slander.

Emelia's supporters said, "Ms. Jones is a talented screenwriter. Does she need to plagiarize?"

"Even if Ms. Jones quit being a screenwriter, she has the protections from the Longerich family and Mr. Hughes. She doesn't lack money or fame. Why would she tarnish the good reputation she had earned by her hard work because of the plagiarism?"

"One's appearance reflects their inner world. Through Ms. Jones' appearance, I can tell she hadn't plagiarized."

"Ms. Jones' teacher was Kelaina Salkowski. If she dared to plagiarize, Ms. Salkowski would break her legs."

Some continued to slander Emelia. "Probably, she has used up her intelligence."

"Men are born greedy. She probably couldn't write anything but still wanted to have some fame, so she took the risk of plagiarizing."

Emelia kept ignoring those discussions while waiting for Manny's clarification patiently. Then she reposted it to approve her innocence.

As soon as Manny's clarification was posted on Twitter, there aroused an uproar online.

Those who slandered Emelia and defended Olivia shushed instantly. Since the person involved in the event proved it was based on the true story, Olivia's slander became a farce.

Curses had flooded Olivia's Twitter comment section. After a while as the heat abated a bit, Emelia posted another tweet:

"During the training program, Olivia indeed asked me to help her go through her script, but her story was completely from mine. I wonder why she has slandered me by confusing right and wrong while I'm pregnant. She owes me an apology."

Emelia's post added fuel to the fire, but she didn't think she had done anything wrong.

Olivia cursed the babies in her belly. Why couldn't she ruin Olivia's career future?

As soon as the truth was disclosed, Olivia's reputation in the industry was gone.

However, Olivia couldn't blame others.

She could only hold her laptop while bursting into tears at home. Those people who cursed her bombarded her with messages on Twitter. Soon, she received hundreds of thousands of them.

Moreover, she received a lawyer's letter, which almost broke her down. She clicked to read it with trembling hands, only to find Julian had sued her for slandering Emelia. Olivia had a blackout, almost fainting.

She paled. In a hurry, she tried to DM Emelia on Twitter, only to find that Emelia had blocked her.

She wanted to cry but failed to shed tears. Earlier, her other contact ways, including her phone number, had been blocked by Emelia during the training. Evidently, Emelia didn't want to keep in touch with such a kind of woman all her life.

Olivia had to blame herself. She wanted to frame Emelia viciously, but she herself was ruined in the end.

After this matter had been dealt with, it was late at night.

Julian grabbed the phone from Emelia's hand, held her, and tucked her into the quilt. He said with concerns, "All right. Time for bed. Night-night."

Julian didn't tell her that he had sent a lawyer's letter to Olivia. Emelia had her ways of dealing with the matter, and so did he.

He wouldn't let go of Olivia easily.

Emelia knew Julian was worried about her, so she closed her eyes obediently in his arms.


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