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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 51

As soon as the meeting was over, Harvey Norman, who was involved in the meeting, found an unoccupied place to call Yvonne.

After the call was picked up, Harvey said joyfully, "Ms. Sullivan, it seems that your pillow talk is effective."

Yvonne was confused, "What do you mean?"

Harvey said, "We just had another meeting and the script was modified according to your wish. The lord gets together with his first love in the end."

Previously Yvonne was dissatisfied with the plot and wanted Julian to modify the script, but after Julian refused, Yvonne contacted Harvey and asked him to find a way to propose a modification in the script.

Only before Harvey could act, the script was modified straight away for today's meeting.

Harvey thought it was because Yvonne had said something to Julian, and that was why Julian had asked for the script to be modified.

Yvonne was surprised and delighted, "He is with his first love?"

Harvey said, "Yes, isn't that what you want?"

Yvonne raised her hand to cover her mouth, unable to speak for a while because she was just too happy and excited.

She thought Julian didn't care about her feelings at all, but she didn't expect him to meet her in action, even though he said he wouldn't modify it.

Yvonne thought that Julian had modified the script specifically for her sake. She had no idea that Julian had deliberately made things difficult for Emelia for his own selfish desires and ended up modifying the script.

Yvonne calmed herself and asked again, "Then after the modification, what will be the end of the princess consort?"

When Harvey told Yvonne about what happened to the princess consort, Yvonne was exasperated: "What? She's living a wonderful life?"

"Why doesn't she die horribly? Why isn't she the one who died in despair?" As soon as Yvonne thought that this script was written by Emelia, she instantly projected herself and Emelia onto the characters in the script.

In the previous version of the script, the first love died. Whereas in the new script, the princess consort didn't die but lives a wonderful life?

Emelia was too good at glorifying herself, wasn't she?

Yvonne felt angry, and her voice was somewhat shaken when she spoke out.

Harvey did not dare offend Yvonne, so he had to say, "This is to emphasize the empowerment of women and encourage the audience to be independent and self-reliant."

Yvonne said with dissatisfaction, "Can't this be changed? Why is there so many plots for her after the princess consort was repudiated. Why can't she just die?"

Harvey added, "Mr. Hughes and Viggo like this new version because the princess consort grows into an independent and strong woman."

What Harvey did not say was that he himself valued this.

"I don't care!" Yvonne was about to lose it, "You have to change this ending. Let the princess consort have a horrible death."

Harvey was in a difficult position, "Well ..."

Yvonne added, "Or you kick that Emelia out of this project and put someone else in charge of this script."

"There are so many famous writers in the screenwriting world, just anyone would be better than Emelia."

If the script cannot be modified, then Emelia must leave.

Yvonne couldn't accept that every line of this script was written by Emelia, and she hated Emelia now.

When the divorce was finalized, Emelia simply asked for nothing, but now it seemed that Emelia was simply not resigned to it, but used the script to secretly mock her in various ways.

Harvey sighed, "Emelia is a scriptwriter strongly supported by Viggo, I'm afraid Viggo won't agree even if I propose it."


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