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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 510

Nina also accompanied Emelia when she was trying on the dress. Nina didn't arrange any work during this time. She planned to cut her long hair for a military drama after Emelia's wedding.

The dress fitting went well and the ones they had chosen before were very suitable for Emelia.

When they came out of the bridal shop, Emelia laughed and teased Nina, "Just as I expected, as a big star who has been in the fashion industry for so many years, you really have a good taste and every dress you chose is very suitable for me."

Nina nodded, "It should be Mrs. Hughes who is born beautiful. She has a good temperament and looks good in everything she wears."

The two of them were praising each other as they walked, which made them both laugh.

Just a few steps out of the bridal shop, they met Heather and a middle-aged woman.

Emelia knew the woman beside Heather. She had a very bad impression of that woman.

She used to instigate Heather to cause her a lot of trouble in the past and Emelia took it to heart.

If Heather had a reasonable friend, their relationship would not have been so bad at the beginning, and naturally, they would not be so embarrassed now.

But she is notorious for being nosy and provocative. Heather didn't like her at that time, so this woman continued to speak ill of Emelia all day long, so that as soon as Heather saw her, she was extremely mean to Emelia.

Seeing Heather appearing with this woman at this moment, Emelia suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

But no matter what, she is Julian's wife now and her daughter-in-law, so she took the initiative to greet Heather with a smile, "Heather, what a coincidence."

"It's quite a coincidence. Patricia and I just happened to come over today to buy some custom-made clothes, so that we can wear them when you get married." Heather was very gentle because Julian was unequivocally protecting Emelia and Heather didn't dare to be mean.

"Yeah." Emelia replied, "If that's the case, then we will leave you guys to it."

Then she was planning to leave with Nina when the so-called Patricia beside Heather stopped Emelia, "Wait a minute."

Emelia stopped and looked at her with a slight smile, "Is there something wrong?"

She showed them some respect while Nina didn't care about her and rolled her eyes.

Nina had heard Emelia talk about this woman before and this woman seemed not like a good person at first glance, so Nina was acting rudely to her.

Patricia was furious at Nina's attitude, but fortunately, she knew that her main target was Emelia, so she took a look at Nina and said to Emelia, "Emelia, what are you doing these days? Young people who get married always have their parents make some arrangements, but you guys did not. It made her look bad."

Emelia could tell that this woman is here to speak for Heather today.

She looked down at her fair fingers, and the smile on her face faded a little.

When Patricia saw that Emelia didn't speak, she thought she was embarrassed by her words, and thought that Emelia was still as easy to bully as before, so she continued to scold Emelia, "You won't let her interfere with the wedding. That's fine, I heard that you didn't plan to let her help with your kids? That would nearly kill her!"


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