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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 513

Emelia hung up the phone in confusion and then called Julian.

She still asked a bit doubtfully, "Is that you who did it?"

Julian admitted it honestly, "Since she wants to find fault with you, I must cause some trouble to her so that she wouldn't have the time to disrupt you, right?"

Hearing Julian's words, Emelia felt a bit embarrassed and then she felt a bit moved.

Just as Nina said, he would do that only to revenge his fiancée on Heather.

"Thank you," she said in a low voice, "Thank you for… for what you have done."

"She must pay for what she did to you." the moment Julian decided to get remarried with Emelia, he promised to himself that he would definitely protect Emelia as long as he could.

He would do this to hint Heather, who must have known that her son was the man behind it. Julian hoped his mother could take a thorough consideration before she did that.

He did wish to have a harmonious relationship with his mother. But despite his and Emelia's effort, Heather kept provoking them and he thought he had no other choice.

He also knew his mother much. Knowing what he had done for Emelia, his mother wouldn't dare to find fault with her anymore.

He had planned that when their children were born, he would allow her to meet her grandchildren often.

But now he might refrain himself from doing so.

He wouldn't let her meet their children except on some important festivals.

By no means did he want his children to end up becoming someone like his sister Caroline, the very name of whom would make Julian feel quite sad.

If she were also raised by Grandpa, she might have had a totally different life.

But he could not turn back time. Now Caroline had already passed away. What he could do now was only to prevent such tragedy from happening again. He would educate his children well. He wanted them to become someone decent, someone of integrity.

After that it was a period of peace, which was quite rare for that couple.

With time passing by, Emelia's vomiting during pregnancy was quite mitigated. She picked a day when she was feeling alright and went to take pre-wedding photos together with Julian.

Now she still looked like a slim girl with a flat abdomen.

Nina, who kept them accompanied, sighed as she saw Emelia's figure, "I heard Mr. Hughes had hired a famous dietician to take care of your diet during your pregnancy. You don't look like a pregnant woman from the back at all, Emelia."

Julian said in a low voice from behind, "I can introduce him to you when you are pregnant."

Nina rolled her eyes back at Julian and said, "I don't even have a boyfriend! How do I get pregnant?"

"Maybe soon," Julian said to her and then turned to Emelia.

Nina sniffed. She didn't know what Julian meant.

Soon, the wedding day arrived on a sunny Sunday when Emelia had been pregnant for three months and a week.

The wedding was designed in a simple way taking into consideration of the condition of Emelia's body.


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