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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 516

Arthur said seriously on the phone, "We need to talk."

Jean agreed instantly, "Okay. Then shall we meet at the coffee house downstairs? And I also need to meet Julian first. Emelia said he was recently overwhelmed by mental stress."

Jean hesitated for a second and continued, "Shall me meet half an hour later?"

"Fine," Arthur agreed. He didn't mention that he had already been waiting at the underground parking lot of the hotel.

Jean hung up the phone and went downstairs. She met Julian and had a talk with him at the coffee house.

Julian would suffer from so much mental stress only because he was overly worried about Emelia. Based on her diagnosis, Jean told Julian that he could take a long trip to ease his mental stress.

Coincidentally, Julian was about to go to the villa resort with Emelia for their honeymoon. Maybe after that trip Julian would feel much better.

After Julian left, Arthur also entered the coffee house.

Before he walked over to Jean, he saw her stand up and look at someone behind him surprisedly, "Why are you here?"

Arthur was stunned a bit before he turned back to see a man in suits and tie bypass him and come over to Jean. He said in an extremely gentle way to Jean, "I heard you will get back today so I'm here to pick you up."

Jean smiled, "You don't have to. I will get back soon."

Then they began to talk friendly and Arthur could do nothing but to bit his lips and stare at Jean.

The man finally sensed the presence of Arthur and he stopped smiling and asked Jean, "And this is..."

"This is a classmate of mine when I was studying abroad," Jean didn't even introduce his name to the man, which made Arthur feel quite depressed.

The man greeted Arthur out of courtesy, "Hello."

Arthur also greeted him subconsciously. Maybe Jean also sensed how embarrassed he was and she introduced the man to Arthur, "He is a friend of mine."

Again, she didn't mention his name nor did she mention the relationship between them.

Then Jean said to Arthur calmly, "Oh, I remember you said you wanted to have a talk with me. Please sit down."

Mixed feelings began to well up in Arthur's mind as he saw Jean and that man standing together intimately.

With a heart filled with bitterness, he turned away, "Oh, just forget it. I wish you happiness."

He then walked out of the coffee house.

Obviously, she had found another boyfriend. He was the only one who was left behind, who tried to start a romantic relationship with her.

She was just as enchanting and uncaring as she used to be.

Now, Arthur thought he himself was nothing but a joke.

After he left, the man beside Jean frowned and said, "What did he mean?"

"Don't bother," Jean smiled slightly and sad, "Just wait a second for me here. I will get my luggage upstairs."


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