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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 521

Cameron knew what his mother was ramping up to something, so he interrupted her.

He took out his graduation certificate, awards, and transcripts from a documents pouch beside him.

His parents were both befuddled by his action. Cameron said slowly, "Dad, mom, I've been living a life that you wanted me to live. I believe I've made you proud by winning all these awards and credentials. But I'm done with this. Over the years, I feel like I'm nothing but a walking dead. For once, I want to live my own life.

I also have plans for my career."

Randall and Colleen didn't appreciate his little speech at all.

By saying that, Cameron was letting them know that he wouldn't be controlled by them anymore.

Cameron had made it very clear that he wanted them to stay out of his career planning.

"I'm full. Time for me to leave. Have a good sleep." Cameron stood up from the chair.

Colleen was pissed. "Where do you think you are going?"

This was his home. Where else could he go?

"I've got a place to stay." Cameron had bought a house without letting his parents know.

He studied very hard and won a lot of scholarships abroad, which was used to invest in the establishment of Tymers with Viggo. The money brought in by Tymers later served as the starting fund of his own biotech company. Cameron has long become an upstart in the business world throughout the years' hard work. However, he chose to stay low-key about it.

Buying a house or a car was nothing to him.

"You still need the keys to get in," Colleen shouted behind him.

His parent had bought him a house before. Since Cameron was away all the time, they kept the keys for him.

"I'll go to my place." With that, Cameron walked out of the door.

Colleen and Randall were shocked into a daze. They looked at each other, didn't know what to do. Then, Colleen burst into tears.

"What was that supposed to mean? Why won't he stay? This is his home and he just got back! What did he mean by living his own life? Is he... He's still in love with that Nina Sanchez, isn't he?" Colleen cried even louder when she thought of that possibility.

Randall frowned, "Impossible. He had always blamed Nina for leaving him.

He and Nina had lost contact for so many years. And he never brought her up in front of us. I think he had moved on."

"Then why won't he stay?" asked Colleen.

Randall comforted her. "Honestly, I feel like I don't know him anymore. Let's just hope that things will work out."

When Cameron took out all his awards and said that he never felt alive over the years, Randall was also stunned.

Randall's words wrung Colleen's heart to the very core.

She also felt like Cameron was a total stranger to her now.

The couple was at a loss. They cleaned up the table after a few mouthfuls of food. They still had to cheer up to deal with all their relatives and friends, especially those who wanted to introduce their daughters to their son.

After Cameron left the Dauster residence, he asked the driver to send him to his neighborhood. He grabbed his two suitcases after the driver dropped him off and took another taxi.


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