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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 523

When Nina woke up in the morning, she thought she would miss her flight. She checked the time and found it was still early.

The man beside her had his arms around her waist, sound asleep.

Nina didn't know how could he sleep last night. She couldn't fall asleep because her heart was a mess and didn't know how to face him.

If he had come back just a few years earlier, she would open her arms and get back with him all over again.

But now...

Now, it was too late. Her faith in him had died down, and her feelings for him had faded.


Funny how he came back just when she decided to move on.

She lay there quietly, listening to his heartbeat. Then she decided to take French leave.

She had a flight to catch anyway, which was a perfect excuse for leaving without saying goodbye.

This time, she would stay in a heavily-guarded military base with the crew for the filming, close to being isolated from the outside world for around three months.

Nina was glad that she agreed to take the role because she still had three months to sort herself out before confronting Cameron.

The other reason why she wanted to leave without telling him was that she wanted him to have a taste of his own poison. She wanted to see how would he suffer after she disappeared from his world.

Nina lifted the comforter and tried to get out of the bed. However, the second her feet touched the ground, the pain from her lower body hit her. She fell back into the bed.

Look at what Cameron had done!

He did her over and over again last night. Now, it pained her to walk!

However, Nina was tough enough to power through it. She walked out of the bedroom, washed up, and grabbed her suitcase before she left.

The first thing she did when she got in a taxi heading to the airport was call Sherlyn.

Sherlyn was still sleeping. After being woken up by Nina's call, she asked in a drowsy voice, "What are you doing calling me this early?"

Nina's flight was in the afternoon. They had planned it out yesterday. They would have lunch together and then Sherlyn would drive Nina to the airport. Nina was never an early bird. That was why Sherlyn was surprised to get her call at this time.

Nina said solemnly, "Sherlyn, I need your help on two things. It's urgent."

"What's wrong?" Sherlyn had never seen Nina being so serious in her entire friendship with Nina.

"I can't tell you right now." Nina had no time to explain it to Sherlyn. "First, change my flight. I have to catch the earliest flight to leave Riverside City. I am already on my way to the airport."


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