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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 530

"I don't believe what he said! He must be lying to me!" Melanie stubbornly comforted herself.

Lucien thought for a moment and said, "Melanie, you should understand that there's no first-come-first-serve in a relationship. Even if you are the first one to meet him, he still doesn't like you. No matter whom he fell in love with, he doesn't need to apologize to you."

Melanie was pissed off by Lucien's words.

Lucien continued, "Second, teenagers are indeed not as mature as adults. But that doesn't mean they don't know what love is. Actually, there are always many people marrying the people whom they met in their youth, right?"

Hearing what Lucien said, Melanie was in a blue mood again.

"Lucien, which side are you on, Cameron or me?" cried Melanie.

"Of course, I'm on your side. So, I really don't want you to immerse yourself in the wrong thought. Otherwise, you will be the one who gets hurt in the end."

Lucien was trying to persuade Melanie to give up. Melanie shouted in a rage, "Go away!"

Lucien said resignedly, "Alright, I'll leave immediately. But you'd better be back at the office soon. We need to discuss your future work arrangements."

Since Cameron refused Melanie to be his assistant, he had to rearrange her position.

Melanie turned away in anger. Lucien sighed and left.

In his opinion, since Cameron loved someone else, it was best for Melanie not to stay in Camcien anymore. Leaving Riverside City and returning to her home was the best choice.

Although Lucien didn't know who that woman was, he knew Cameron must take her seriously. Or Cameron wouldn't have admitted it in front of them. There was no point in staying here for Melanie.

But who was that woman?

Lucien was really curious.

After coming down from the rooftop, Lucien hurried to Cameron's office and sat down opposite Cameron. "Alright, you can tell me your story now."

Cameron was in a bad mood right now. He gave a glance at Lucien. "When did I say I would tell you?"

Lucien was speechless.

He complained, "I've told you everything about my love affairs. But you never told me yours! It's unfair!"

Cameron replied, "Your love affairs were countless. And I don't know what's true and what's not true. But I just have one. I'm not going to tell you easily."

Lucien angrily dragged his chair forward. "Are you saying it or not? You know what? I'm not leaving until you tell me."

However, Lucien didn't wait for Cameron's story but bad news. "I'm afraid that you need to cancel your travel plan. I have an important thing to do, so I can't stay in the office all day."

Lucien had long planned to leave Cameron to manage the company over some time as soon as he returned. Even if Cameron didn't like socializing, Lucien had decided to travel around the world.

Just now, Viggo had informed Cameron that he was successfully chosen to be Nina's date. So when Cameron was out for recording, Lucien still needed to deal with the business in the company.

Lucien jumped to his feet. "Why? What are you going to do? Since we formed this company in partnership, I've been running it for the past few years. I worked hard with little rest. Finally, you came back, and I had a chance to rest. And now you tell me to cancel the travel plan? I've bought all the tickets and booked all the hotels. Isn't it a waste of time and money? Damn you!" Lucien was boiling with rage and didn't mind him using bad words.


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