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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 550

Nina could not help feeling that the old lady's attitude towards her was with too much enthusiasm. She seriously suspected that the old lady knew something about the relationship between her and Cameron.

Fortunately, Viggo Johansen rushed over at this time. He smiled and explained to Nina and the others, "Mr. Dauster and I are friends, so I thought it was OK to do a favor for this lady and let her visit the cast."

Nina glanced at Cameron and thought, when did he have friendship with Viggo Johansen?

Cameron looked back at Nina's inquiring gaze calmly, and Nina couldn't see anything suspicious in his face.

Viggo greeted the old lady and Cameron into the lounge. Emelia finally got back to her mind, and she immediately pulled Nina aside and asked her in a low voice, "When did Cameron come back? Did you already know that?"

The reason why Emelia asked this was because she saw that when Nina saw Cameron's appearance, her expression had no drastic changes. Obviously, she knew about Cameron's return for a long time. Maybe they even had met each other before today.

Nina's head hurt really bad. She replied to Emelia in a low voice, "This is a long story. I'll tell you in detail when the event is over."

Emelia nodded. She also understood that now was not the time to talk.

"Are you the screenwriter?" As soon as the two finished talking, Grandma came over with a smile on her face. This time she greeted Emelia.

Emelia responded with a smile and said, "Yes I am. Please just call me Emelia."

"What a talented young lady!" Grandma sincerely praised Emelia, but she didn't hold her hands affectionately to express her liking, and she had not examined her with meaningful eyes as she did with Nina.

Nina eyebrows slightly frowned, and she was sure now that the old lady knew something.

But she was not sure if it was Cameron who took the initiative to talk about their past with his grandma, or the lady heard about it from Cameron's parents.

If she knew of her existence from his parents, probably his mother would not say anything nice about her. After all, it was his mother who trashed her into nothing with hurtful remarks.

When Grandma and Emelia were making small talks, Nina stood by the side smiling, without making a sound. An outsider couldn't tell that there was anything tricky between her and Cameron. This was good acting, and Nina was very good at it as she had done it a million times on the big screen.

Grandma talked about a wide range of things with Emelia, from the plot of "Princess Leilania" to the child in Emelia's belly. The old lady was also really sincere and told Emelia a lot of things to pay attention to during pregnancy. Emelia smiled and kept her words in mind.

She had to admit that this grandma of Cameron was much more approachable and easier to get along with than his mother.

"Cameron, come here and take some pictures for us!" The old lady called out to her grandson.

Cameron walked over and took out his mobile phone to help the old lady take pictures with Nina and Emelia. Nina's expression was a little stiff, and it wouldn't be comfortable for anyone to pose in front of their ex, would it?

The old lady was very satisfied with Cameron's photography skills. Just when Nina thought that it's time for the guests to leave, Grandma suddenly came over and asked her seriously, "Nina, do you have a boyfriend?"

Nina did not know how to respond to such a question.

Was it appropriate to ask her such a thing in front of so many people?

When the old lady finished her words, people in the lounge suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Nina with different expressions, especially Emelia. She always suspected that there was something strange between Nina and Cameron.

It stood to reason that Nina had waited for Cameron for so many years, and now that Cameron was back, Nina should be happy. But she could not see happiness in her at all, and she seemed to be hiding from him the whole time.

Could it be that Nina really gave up on him?

Emelia remembered that Nina had mentioned to her several times before, that she didn't want to wait for Cameron any more. Emelia couldn't help frowning.


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