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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 563

Cameron hated Dominic so much that he punched with great force.

Dominic fell on the wall. He felt that his teeth were loosened.

"Cameron!" Dominic shouted. He was fat, but because of laziness, he was vulnerable.

Cameron's punch made him feeble. He couldn't even speak.

Hearing the noise, Marisa and Cory rushed out from the kitchen and bedroom respectively. Seeing Cory's mouth bleeding, Marisa shouted acutely at Cameron, "What are you doing? How can you break into someone else's home like that? Are you aware this is against the law?" she then called out to Cory, "Call the police, now!"

Cameron sneered, "Yes, call the police, do it!"

Then, before they said or did anything, Cameron reached out to Cory and punched him violently.

Cory was not a good fighter either. For now, he was intimidated by Cameron's ferocious face and did not even dare to fight back.

"Mom, Dad, help me!" Cory buried his head in his arms and called out for help.

Cory was 21 years old and was currently a junior in university. He was a bad student. To stuff him into university, his family had spent a great deal of money, yet it was just a terrible university. And even after becoming a university student, Cory never planned to study hard. He spent all his time playing video games.

He had been spoiled by his parents, and now his sister became a successful actress, so he had no motivation, he had his family cover his back anyway.

That was why he was so vulnerable. He couldn't fight.

Dominic struggled himself up and charged towards Cameron, Marisa did the same thing. Yet before they even approach him, they saw Cameron drag Cory upfront the ground and pushed him forwards. Dominic and Marisa had to stop. They didn't want to hurt their son.

Marisa cried at the sight of Cory's swollen face. "I can't believe this is happening in this country!"

Cameron ignored her. He knew very well about her tricks. She was trying to stop him by playing the victim.

But he had come here with a purpose, which was to teach these three people a lesson with his fist. He knew negotiation wouldn't work when dealing with shameless people.

He dragged Cory up with one hand, glanced over the villa, and said grimly, "I thought the loan shark had destroyed this place. But it looked like nothing happened."

Marisa stopped crying.

Cameron sneered. It was obvious that Marisa had lied to Nina in the call. She told Nina that the people had broken into the villa but that was just a lie. She just wanted Nina's sympathy.

At the mention of the loan, Marisa suddenly realized that she should firstly have a look at the young man who came here to make things difficult for them.

"My name is Cameron Dauster."

"Cam…Cameron Dauster?" Marisa opened her eyes wide. She remembered this name.

However, Cameron was not in the mood to chat with them. He asked, "I heard you guys ask Nina to pay for the 1 million loans that Cory borrowed?" He said grimly.

Then he grabbed Cory's collar which made Cory shiver.


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