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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 565

Nina calmed herself down and got in the car and headed to the crew as if nothing happened.

She didn't call Cameron, nor Marisa.

She knew Marisa would call again to complain about Cameron.

As for Cameron, she didn't have much to talk to him. He's become more and more strange to her. Maybe she had never understood him. But he seemed to be crazier and crazier.

Marisa called again at dinner time when Nina had just returned to the hotel.

"Did you see my message?" Marisa complained.

"Yes," said Nina emotionlessly. She found a comfortable position and lay down on the sofa.

"Then why didn't you call back?" Marisa was angry. "How could Cameron do this to us?"

"Cameron did it. What does it have to do with me?" said Nina, still calm.

Marisa was furious. "Why? Isn't he your boyfriend? Aren't you with him?" Marisa thought they were a couple, that was why Cameron fought for her.

"Be careful of your wording, mom. I'm still single. I've said that million times. Don't you watch the news?" Nina corrected her immediately. It was also her trick. Because she knew Marisa would call her asking for compensation. But if she had nothing to do with Cameron, she wouldn't be responsible for what Cameron did.

"What?" Marisa didn't expect Nina to deny it. She was suddenly speechless.

"Is there anything else? If not, I need to have dinner now." Nina was about to hang up.

Marisa immediately called out, "If you are not together, why would he fight for you? Nina, you've gone too far. Your father and I have raised you, and yet you asked someone to beat us?"

Nina rubbed her ears. She had had enough of such words.

They indeed brought her up but they never give her any money.

She was grateful, that was why she allowed them to deprive her of all his years. However, they hurt her again and over again, and eventually, her gratitude disappeared. She had no feeling for them now.

"I won't say this again but I have nothing to do with him. If you want revenge, go for him." After saying that, Nina hung up the phone.

She believed if she insisted that she had nothing to do with Cameron, her family wouldn't be able to do anything. She could be a bad person too sometimes.

Marisa was pissed off by Nina's words.

Dominic, who still found it hard to utter a full sentence because of the pain, asked with difficulty, "What did she say?"

Marisa almost smashed her phone. "She said she had nothing to do with Cameron and that if we want to avenge, we should go for him."


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