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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 567

"Is that…Cameron?" Sylvie felt relieved.

Luckily, it wasn't other guys. Cameron was good-looking, and he was a gentleman. He had Nina had a deep bone. Sylvie favored him for no reason.

However, then she realized something. "How did she get in? Did anyone see him?"

Nina didn't care anymore. She buried her face into the sofa, silent.

She thought she would be happy that Cameron left in anger. Because after the argument, he probably won't come for her again. He was a proud person.

But why wasn't she happy?

She felt empty. b She couldn't breathe.

"We have booked every room above the 10th floor. Someone might have seen him." Sylvie muttered to herself. "Anyway, let's have dinner first."

Nina didn't have any appetite. "I'll eat later. Don't wait for me."

"Nina. Is there anything?" Sylvie noticed something was wrong. "Did you guys have a fight?"

Cameron went out in a rush, but Sylvie noticed his gloomy face. He must have argued with Nina.

"No," Nina said grumpily.

"Then what happened? Haven't you slept together? What's wrong?" Sylvie asked bluntly. She was a straightforward person. Nina almost choked.

She raised her head from the sofa, glared at Sylvie, and said unhappily, "Go back to your room. Leave my dinner here."

She couldn't imagine what Sylvie would say next.

"Okay." Sylvie replied, she then asked, "But shall I tell Sherlyn that Mr. Charming came for you?"

Mr. Charming?

Nina was speechless.

"Don't tell her. He won't come again anyway. She'll get angry if she knew." After that, she buried her head into the sofa again.

"I see." Sylvie went back to her room with her dinner.

As an actress. Nina only ate salad while Sylvie's food was delicious. When they ate together, Nina sometime would pick some meat from Sylvie's food. Now, Sylvie was gone, she could eat only vegetables.

And not knowing why, vegetables tasted awful tonight.

Nina kept repeating her own words in her head. The word she used to describe their relationship The more she forced herself not to think about it, the harder she found to keep Cameron's painful look out of her head.

She tossed away the script and opened a wine.

However. Julian called. Nina's first thought was that maybe something happened to Emelia.

However, she heard Julia ask, "Have you argued with Cameron?"


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