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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 572

Sylvie said in a hurry, "Yes, Mr. Dauster, you should talk to her about this. Sherlyn and I asked her to have a good rest, but she didn't listen at all."

Cameron glanced at Sylvie and suddenly found her particularly likable as he found that everything she said was pleasant to his ears, especially when she specifically asked him to talk to Nina. He felt that was a great recognition of his existence.

With lips slightly curved with satisfaction, he said, "Please go back and have a rest. I'll just stay here with her."

Sylvie shook her head and said, "That's not appropriate. Later, her doctor and the nurse will come in for ward rounds. If you're here alone with her, they would find it rather strange." She thought about it for a second then continued, "Well then, I'll wait outside. I happen to have some work to do. You stay here with her." Sylvie tried her best to create space for them to be alone.

Cameron instantly understood her intentions so he just said, "thank you."

"That is nothing." Sylvie said and then left the ward with her mobile phone.

Nina was still asleep. Cameron gently held her hand and deeply gazed at her even without blinking.

The entertainment industry was not a nice place to stay. Although he had asked Viggo to watch over her over the years, they were not able to control her mind. She worked too hard, and too desperately.

If he could, he hoped she could slow down, take good care of her health, enjoy her life and love him once more.

Nina slept for more than an hour. As she didn't have enough rest in the first place, plus she was tortured by all that acrobatic fighting in the filming and her troubled stomach, she fell deep asleep.

When she woke up, she couldn't even tell where she was for a moment. She was just about to raise her hand to rub her eyes and stretch, only to find that her right hand was held by someone.

As she was moving, that "someone" moved with her.

A pleasant and gentle voice came into her ears, "You up? Are you feeling all right?"

Nina lost all sleep in an instant. The sound was Cameron's.

She was a little upset. Didn't she tell Sylvie before she went to bed, that Cameron should not be allowed to come to the hospital?

Nina didn't want to see Cameron, so she simply closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. However, the next minute she felt was the lips of that man, suddenly pressed against her lips. She was startled and almost jumped out of her bed.

What was wrong with him?

"Not sleepy anymore?" The man's eyes were filled with an unscrupulous smile. At this moment, she hated his jokes.

He did it on purpose just to warn her not to play tricks. He knew exactly how to deal with her little "tricks".

Nina had been given an anti-inflammatory infusion, so her stomach was just about to get better. Now she just felt that the pain was getting worse. It was probably due to her anger for this man.

Seeing Nina raise her hand to touch her stomach, Cameron's smile suddenly disappeared. He then nervously asked her in a warm voice, "Is your stomach hurting again?"

It was not hurting that much, since she had already survived the most horrible moment in the afternoon. Now, this numb and blunt discomfort was nothing compared to that. But Nina still made an expression as if she was experiencing unbearable pain. All her body was curled up. She struggled, and words came out of her lips "Cameron, I've had this condition for many years, but it has never been this severe. How come I was hospitalized just within a few days after you came back? Have you ever thought about it? I think you know the answer!"

Perhaps he cared about her too much, Cameron forgot for a moment that Nina was an award-winning actress. He believed Nina's words and blamed himself for making her fall ill from anger; he could not feel more remorse for that. He did not know what to say.

Nina said those harsh remarks on purpose. She never meant to blame Cameron. She knew exactly what her conditions were. She knew she would be in hospital one day, and it was nobody's fault but her own.

"Sorry." Cameron apologized in a solemn tone. He looked as if he was in great pain out of guilt. This startled her.

She let go of her hand covering her stomach, then she murmured, "Actually… you..."

He didn't have to be in such guilty. She was just saying.


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