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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 578

The next morning, Michelle received a phone call from Nancy.

"Michelle," she said reluctantly, "My colleagues got to Jamelaton last night and saw Cameron this morning coming out of the hotel she stays at."

Nancy paused as if she was worried that Michelle wouldn't be able to take it.

Michelle said calmly, "I'm good. Please go on."

Then she continued, "He went out to buy breakfast, and they said he got some light porridge. Wasn't there news about Nina Sanchez being sent to hospital for stomach pains? I guessed it's probably for her."

"Also, he didn't go to those famous places to get that breakfast. Just think about it, he wouldn't order her breakfast from the hotel, so he probably thought it wasn't good enough. Instead, he went to a small restaurant and according to my colleagues, he paid the owner a large sum to make that custom breakfast for him."

Although Michelle expected to hear something like that, but she still felt a sting through her heart while actually hearing it from her friend. What she hadn't expected was he could be so considerate towards Nina's weak stomach.

Thinking that everything she had imagined him doing for her had come to realize in Nina Sanchez, Michelle pursed her lips dead tight.

"Are you all right, Michelle," asked Nancy worriedly seeing that she had been silent.

"I'm OK..." Despite her answer, there was still a bit noticeable choke in her voice.

Because only if she seemed miserable could she continue to have Nancy working her fingers to the bone to get the news about the couple for her.

Nancy felt sorry for her and consoled, "Well, don't get too upset about this. There are a lot of good guys out there for you."

Without responding to that, Michelle asked instead, "Were they pictured together?"

"No," she answered, "They only get to take the pictures of Cameron. They have not seen her come out of the hotel yet, so there are not pictures of them together. Besides, she seemed to have been off from the set lately and rest in the hotel."

Michelle said certainly, "Now that he showed up at her hotel, I bet that they're staying together away from others. It will be good if there is any picture of that."

Nancy was very embarrassed and said, "As per what my colleagues have known, Nina's team had the all the floors including and beyond the 10th, so it would be so difficult to catch them together."

"OK, I see what you mean," said Michelle resignedly.

It was, for the time being, enough for her to know they were really living at the same hotel.

Seeming to notice her frustration and sadness, her friend soon comforted her, "I'll tell them to see if they can try and take any photos of her, since I won't be able to make any sensations out of just the pictures of Cameron himself."

Michelle whispered, "OK."

Nancy didn't end the call before she had comforted her again.

Michelle played around with phone for quite some time, after which she found a number on her contact list and made a call.

Having been watched by Cameron during her break at the hotel for two days, Nina had not stepped out the door of his suite for even once, neither did she dare, for fear that she would be photographed.


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