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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 580

"Nina!" Cameron soon went after her, but she had already dashed into the lift.

She put her hand on the close button, watched the man coming towards her, and said relentlessly, "Let's break it there and stop torturing each other, Cameron."

With that she pressed the button. As the door was closing, his persistent voice entered her ears, "I won't accept it!"

"If you stop seeing me, I will jump off the building!" The man growled hysterically like a caged beast.

"Whatever," was the cold answer she threw at him the last minute the door closed. Cameron's face turned pale.

It was too much for Colleen to bear as she heard what her son had said, so she fainted.

No mother could stay calm hearing her son threatening with his own life just to win back a woman.

Cameron was stopped by his mother's collapse from continuing with the pursuit of Nina, and instead went back to the room to attend his mom.

Fortunately, it was only a shock caused by extreme anger and she soon awakened. Randall glared at his son and said angrily and resignedly, "For god's sake, you—"

Why was his son crazily bewitched by the woman?

Randall felt sad for his fainted wife and his lovesick son. He meant to reproach him but couldn't bring himself to do so, so he ended up heaving a deep sigh.

How had they ended up there?

They were supposed to be on vacation in Sanya, where he had brought his wife to relax herself.

But she was so furious about the complaint call from Dominic that she immediately flew her way to Jamelaton after their first day there.

He was to stop her, but failed.

Colleen, who recovered from her collapse, leaned on the sofa and looked at her devastated son. She teared up, grieving over her son's craziness about the woman.

After seeing his mom awake, Cameron drooped his head with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry."

After all it was his fault to piss off his mother and make her faint.

He knew that they were great parents, who had bathed him in love and care when he was growing up. He was raised in a happy family.

They had never done anything wrong except for disagreeing with him over the matter with Nina.

Colleen took a deep breath and said mournfully, "It's not your fault that you like her or even love her, but why did you give in to your fist?"

She had chilled down a little. Or maybe because it ached her heart to see the dreariness in her son's eyes, she became less harsh on Nina.

"They deserved that," Cameron insisted with a cold look on his face. Colleen nearly passed out again.

He added madly, "You knew what he did to Nina that summer. Now they even ask Nina to pay her brother's loan with the threat of ruining her if she refuses. Such people don't even qualify as parents, so they don't deserve my respect at all!"

Nina was set up by Dominic that time and it was Randall who drove him to the hotel to rescue her, so Randall and Colleen knew what a bag of scums the Sanchez couple was.

Their sympathy for Nina didn't stop them from disliking her because of her family.


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