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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 591

Generally, those who fall in love would live a happier life. However, Nina always had trouble with her relationship, which almost killed Sherlyn.

"Nina, I've had my say. Now that you don't listen to me, you have to deal with whatever happens to yourself." Sherlyn was in a state of anger.

Nina didn't take it seriously, but said, "Don't worry. I know what I should do."

With a sigh, Sherlyn hung up the phone.

Nina friended Douglas on WhatsApp again and explained that she didn't defriend him on purpose.

Douglas replied aggrievedly, "I thought you hated me and would never talk with me."

After chatting with Douglas for a while, Nina learned that Douglas was very worried about her after he knew that she was in a coma. He kept sending her messages that he wanted to visit her in Jamelaton.

This probably annoyed Cameron, so he defriended Douglas with Nina's phone.

Nina quickly explained, "No. I took too much medicine and always felt dizzy, so it is very likely that I defriended you by accident."

It was not a convincing explanation.

But Nina couldn't tell Douglas the truth.

"As an apology, I want to invite you to dinner another night," Nina continued.

Douglas thought it was a good chance, so he said, "There's no time like the present, so I'll go to Jamelaton now. In case you change your mind, how about having dinner with me tomorrow."

Douglas had invited Nina to eat with him many times, but she didn't agree. Now that she took the initiative to offer it, Douglas decided to go to Jamelaton as soon as possible. He was afraid that she would change her mind later.

Nina smiled and replied, "Okay."

Douglas was over the moon. He immediately booked a ticket.

Nina didn't hate Douglas. Although he was a playboy and had had many girlfriends, he was indeed a pleasure to hang out with.

Different from other rich men, Douglas was not arrogant at all. Instead, he was approachable and always grinned. On the contrary, Cameron always put on a cold face, so Nina felt more comfortable with Douglas.

Nina had asked Douglas why he still liked her after going abroad. As a playboy, he should have met many women who were better than her.

Douglas's reply made Nina lost for words.

Douglas said that he liked Nina because she was rebellious and always gave him a cold shoulder. He thought it was not interesting to date those who were too gentle and submissive.

Hearing this, Nina thought Douglas must be a masochist.

Douglas accepted this comment with a smile. The colder Nina was to him, the more he found her interesting and adorable.

One always craved what he couldn't get.

The next day, Nina was meeting Douglas at a restaurant that attached importance to its customers' privacy. Jamelaton was not a small city, so it was hard to find such a decent restaurant.


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