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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 599

"Why did you two get married in a flash?" Emelia and the others asked Nina this question in the group chat.

Nina looked at the phone and fell into a trance for a while.

Was their marriage a flash one?

Judging from the time between their reunion and getting the certificate, it was indeed a flash marriage.

But judging from the time they had fallen in love with each other, it wasn't a flash marriage at all.

"What are you guys talking about?" Cameron came out of the kitchen. He walked over from behind the sofa and leaned closer to speak to her ear.

Nina put away her phone, "I was just telling Emelia and the others about our marriage."

The corners of Cameron's lips rose slightly. Although they can't make it public now, she shared this with her best friends, which represented her affirmation of their relationship.

It was enough for him, he said affectionately against her fragrant cheek, "When you finish your work, we'll invite them to dinner."

"Okay." Nina didn't refuse and it was still a long time before she was finished.

"Is lunch ready?" Nina tried to sit away, to distance herself from him.

He hugged her from behind and was so close to her, making her heart beat faster and her face hot.

"There is one more dish left. I just come out and check on you." How could Cameron let her escape?

Across the back of the sofa, he kissed her gently.

If she wasn't in a hurry, Cameron really didn't want to let her go. It's not that he didn't hold any grudges in his heart. It was clear that on the happy day when the two of them got their certificates, she booked a plane ticket back to the crew without any hesitation.

Therefore, the kiss was turning ruthless and he almost want to devour her with desire.

"Are you a dog?" Nina, who was released later, complained while covering her stinging lips.

Cameron was not annoyed at all, he touched her red lips with his thumb and said, "You were making me angry."

Then he went back to the kitchen to cook. Nina was so angry that she waved her fists a few times at his back.

The lunch is relatively light. He was considering Nina's fragile stomach while also satisfying her diet rule about restricting calories as a female star. The two ate face-to-face by the huge dining table. It seemed as if they were back to those old years.

But at that time, they didn't eat so politely, they were sticking together even when they were sitting, and they couldn't bear to be separated just for a moment.

As soon as Nina picked up the chopsticks, she saw Cameron patting his leg and asking her, "Would you like to sit over?"

"Stop it," Nina said to him.

If she sits over, they won't finish this meal.

Those who knew Cameron would never have imagined that this man could hide such a wicked side under his gentle appearance.

Before Cameron could say anything else, Nina warned him again, "I'm telling you again, you'd better behave and eat your food, otherwise it's gonna be a mess. I'm in a hurry, and you're the only one who suffers."

Cameron had no choice but to give up, but his tone couldn't hide his grief, "Am I the first man to be left alone in an empty room on the first day of his marriage?"

Nina smiled smugly, "Well, you are the one who decided to marry a busy star like me."

Cameron wasn't annoyed at all, and said with a slight smile in his eyes, "It doesn't matter. Just remember to compensate me when you're done."


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