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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 607

Cameron felt no sympathy for that media company. He also knew how those companies ran. They just attracted public attention for money with such sensational news.

As the boss, he employed a wrong person and he didn't make sure whether the article told the truth or not. He just asked for all those.

40 minutes later, Cameron arrived the company Nancy worked for and Nancy was called to her boss' office. Nancy had no idea why her boss would call her.

But as she entered the office and saw Cameron, who was sitting there with a sullen face, she almost lost her balance and fell onto the floor.

Cameron's thin lips were pursed lightly into a smirk and that made Nancy's face turn pale instantly.

How could Cameron find her so soon?

But now she had no choice but to face him.

But as she stopped before Cameron, her boss threw a cup full of hot coffee on her and shouted, "You bitch!"

It was indeed a bad day for Nancy. The cup fell on her directly and she screamed as her skin was scalded.

Cameron fixed his cold eyes on Nancy. Lucien also followed Cameron here and he quickly stopped Nancy's boss, "Calm down, please. You're assaulting him with intent."

Her boss shouted with a sullen face, "She has ruined my company. I even want to have her killed! I want tear her apart even if I would be sent to jail due to this."

The boss had just been possessed by the joy that the news had brought much traffic for his company. But then Lucien found him and told him that the news was faked by Nancy and the photo had hurt Cameron's reputation. He might be brought to court soon by Cameron and Lucien.

The boss knew who Lucien was. He had made himself a successful businessman as the boss of Camcien Lifetech. The company was important for the country and its people. The company was on its way to become a new giant in Riverside City.

Though he had no idea who Cameron was, he knew he was also an important figure as he could find Lucien to help him. Now he was quite worried that his company would be ruined by Nancy's problem.

Nancy couldn't say a word. She just stood there with her hand covering her scalded arm.

Cameron said directly, "I don't want to talk much with you. Hand me the camera."

Nancy pretended to be unsuspecting, "What camera? I don't know what you are talking about. I got that photo from someone anonymous."

Nancy had planned how she should do now. She could say someone else should be responsible for this.

She then continued, "Someone sent that photo to my e-mail and I wrote an article based on that photo. How could I know what happened next?"


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