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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 610

Cameron didn't call. But it didn't mean he had no evidence.

He took out a digital recorder, and said to Michelle, "You know well what kind of person Dominic is. Since he took your money to mess with my mother. He would also take someone else's money to speak the truth."

Certainly, Cameron didn't do it himself since Dominic knew him and would no doubt act against his wish.

It was Lucien. With a little bit of a bribe, Dominic told the truth. And according to the clues from Dominic, Lucien found that the account against Nina was supported by a woman.

Cameron didn't even need to think to know that it was Michelle.

Michelle stared at the digital recorder, trembling, and then she looked away.

Making excuses wouldn't do now. Her pale and panicked face had given her away.

Cameron continued, "You knew that one of the reasons my parents don't like Nina was that his parents are disdainful people. So, you paid Dominic, asked him to provoke my parents."

"You gave him my mom's number, right?" Hearing this, Colleen was infuriated.

She was wondering who did Dominic get her number from. It turned out to be Michelle.

"And you waited until my parents arrived at Sanya. And then they rushed to Jamelaton in fury. The exhaustion from the travel made things worse. My mom slapped me."

"If I were a less filial son, I would most likely resent my mother because of this slap. And then there would be grudges between us. Michelle, you are so vicious." Cameron's eyes were cold, "It would destroy not only my relationship with Nina but also the relationship between me and my parents. They have treated you very well since we were young, how can you hurt them like this?"

Cameron's tone was ice cold at the end of his words. Michelle slipped down from the chair weakly, hiding her face and crying bitterly. Colleen cried too, but out of anger.

Colleen pulled up the chair and walked over to Michelle, pointing at Michelle, her voice trembling, "You, you…" Perhaps because she was too desperate and angry, Colleen was speechless. Randall walked over and hugged her, gently comforting her, Colleen threw herself into Randall's arms and cried sadly, saying, "What a difference!"

"Nina never hurt Cameron. When we gave her the money and asked her to leave Cameron for his future, she agreed without hesitation."

"I thought she love money. But now it seems like she loves Cameron. She chose to sacrifice herself for Cameron to have a brighter future."

"She never dragged him down when they were together at school. In fact, she improved at study."

"She had been with Cameron after he came back from abroad this time yet she kept it a secret from cameras. She didn't want people to bother Cameron, because he is not a celebrity."


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