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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 615

Michelle's mother was alright. She passed out only because she had a stroke, caused by the anger.

After the doctor said that there was nothing serious, Michelle's parents left the hospital in a hurry. Since Cameron had exposed Michelle online, they couldn't face anyone.

Returning home, they resigned overnight. They planned to take Michelle to a place where no one knew them.

They wouldn't let Michelle decide this time. They had to take her away. They regret trusting Michelle too much in the past.

Michelle refused the proposal. Every girl liked living in big cities like Jamelaton. However, her parents forced her to close the studio and leave with them at the soonest time possible.

Michelle didn't sleep that night. She still couldn't believe that Cameron was married.

Did Nina come back to Jamelaton in a hurry to marry Cameron?

Michelle couldn't let go. But there was nothing she could do.

She was a laughingstock now. Everybody despised her. She lost Colleen's favor. She was notorious now. She would never have anything to do with the Dausters. Thinking of this, she buried herself under the blanket and cried.

The next day, she went to the studio to pack her stuff, covering her swollen eyes with sunglasses.

Outside the studio was a mess. Someone wrote cursing words on the window. Seeing this, she couldn't help but tremble.

A young girl in fancy clothes rushed over and slapped her face, saying, "Fucking bitch! How dare you seduce Cameron?"

Michelle was caught off guard. Her glasses fell and her exhausted face was now exposed. Yet she calmed down shortly after.

She repressed her anger and looked at the girl in fury, asking, "Who are you to hit me? Are you Cameron's wife?"

Michelle provoked the girl on purpose, she was sure that Cameron's wife was Nina.

From the girl's tone when she mentioned Cameron, Michelle knew that she must admire Cameron. So, she provoked her, even just to revenge for the slap she had taken.

As expected, the girl's face turned pale. "I don't need to be Cameron's wife to hit you, slut!"

Michelle sneered. "Since you are not. Then you have no right to hit me." After that, she grabbed the girl by the collar and slapped her face violently.

The girl was stunned. She never expected Michelle to fight back. She covered her face, paused for a moment, and rushed to Michelle again.

Michelle was angry enough to see her studio ruined. She took it all out on the girl.

She had already become notorious. She didn't care about it being worse. And the girl started it in the first place, she wouldn't let her go. So, they fought in front of the studio.


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