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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 62

"No! You don't want to!" Emelia pushed Nina's beautiful face away.

To her, Nina's face was the one which would drive many men crazy.

Nina giggled. After laughing, she began to complain about Julian, "I really want to suggest Julian to check his eyes. Why refuse a woman like you who are both talented and gorgeous, but accept Yvonne, a downright scheming bitch."

Emelia looked calm as she said, "Tastes differ. Love can't be forced."

Nina sighed, "Yeah yeah you sage."

Emelia smiled. "After experiencing a heartbreaking, I had no other choice."

It was too painful. Who would dare try that unreachable love again?

Nina propped up her chin with one hand and said in a dejected voice, "But why do I still miss him after experienced my heartbreaking?"

Emelia comforted her softly, "You and I are different. You two really love each other, but you had to separate because of reality. And you made the decision for his future."

"Julian doesn't love me. So I'm done thiking about it now, because it's useless."

"But you, you still have a chance."

Her words delighted Nina very much.

Emelia took out her phone and called Grandpa Hughes. She was sorry to tell him that she suddenly had a meeting and really couldn't go on the blind date.

Although Grandpa was very unwilling, he had to give up because he knew that Emelia's mind was occupied with work.

When Emelia and Nina arrived at Tymers, they met two people in the hall. A female screenwriter of Tymers and her assistant.

The screenwriter's pen name was Polaris. She had several years more of experience than Emelia.

It was said that she was once a very famous online novelist a few years ago. Catching up with the golden period when many online literary works were adapted into film and television dramas, she sold several novels she wrote.

One of the costume dramas had starred Viggo Johansen, who became a bit hit again with that drama.

After that drama, Viggo established Tymers and began to work behind the scenes. Polaris was also recruited by Viggo to be a scriptwriter at Tymers at that time. She could be regarded as a senior member.

However, in recent years, Polaris had not produced anything worth writing home about.

Among the novels that she had sold, only the costume drama, which was played by Viggo, had made it, while the rest of them were complete flops.

It was said that she sincerely wanted to become Kelaina's student, but Kelaina refused her directly after reading her script.

Kelaina was a big shot in the scriptwriter circle, who was competent and experienced. The comment she gave Polaris was: garish and unintelligible.

Polaris was so pissed.

When Emelia first joined Tymers, she only worked part-time at the beginning, so she had only met Polaris once or twice in the past few years. Emelia could clearly feel that Polaris was hostile to her, but she didn't take it seriously.

Now that they met again, Emelia greeted her humbly, "Hello, Ms. Polaris."

Emelia was 26 years old, and Polaris seemed to be around 35. Although the age gap was not that big, Emelia still called Polaris in a respectful way.

Polaris nodded at Emelia with an indifferent expression, as a greeting.

The four of them turned around and left. Polaris’ assistant whispered to Polaris with disdain, "Some people get the project because of their appearance but not talent. They're really bringing negativity to the circle."

It was obvious who the assistant was mocking. Nina wanted to rush over and argue with them.

Emelia stopped her and shook her head.


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