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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 627

When they were making out, Nina's cell phone suddenly rang.

Cameron didn't want to stop for a moment, but Nina had to answer the phone because it was from Sherlyn.

It took Nina a lot of effort to peace her breath before she picked up the call. Sherlyn said earnestly, "I just thought of an important matter."

Nina pushed away Cameron while asking, "What's wrong?"

Sherlyn gritted her teeth and growled, "Remember to use contraception and don't get pregnant!"

Sherlyn suddenly remembered that Nina and Cameron was definitely gonna have sex when they met this time. What if they wasn't careful enough and Nina was pregnant?

Nina was less than 30 years old. For a popular actress, getting pregnant and giving birth at this time was not a wise choice. No matter how much she loved Cameron, Nina could not give up her career. This was Sherlyn's bottom line. Sherlyn thought it was also Nina's bottom line.

A woman would never give up her proud career for a man. After all, in this fast-paced society, who could guarantee that a relationship could last forever?

Nina could struggle for a few more years before slowing down and paying more attention to her family.

Nina was stunned by Sherlyn's words and did not know what to say for a while. In addition to her current state with Cameron, Sherlyn's words made her not want to continue.

Seeing that Nina did not speak, Cameron moved closer to the phone and replied to Nina, "There's not gonna be a child."

They couldn't keep talking on the phone like this. He couldn't wait any longer. If he continued to wait, his dick might go wrong.

Hearing the strange voice of the man on the phone, Sherlyn instantly understood what they were doing at the moment. She blushed and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Cameron threw Nina's phone aside and was about to continue hugging her when Nina had another question. She frowned slightly and asked Cameron, "Why were you so sure that we wouldn't have a child?"

Before Cameron could say anything, Nina asked again, "Is there something wrong with you?"

Cameron was speechless.

He leaned over and said through his clenched teeth, "You know it very well."

Every time they had sex, he made her extremely satisfied.

Nina was both flustered and embarrassed. "But... but there may be problems in you that I can't sense, which could hinder us from having a baby."

Cameron almost had a facial spasm. He pinched Nina's slender waist and explained in a low voice, "I was so sure that we wouldn't have a child because I wouldn't allow myself to knock you up when your career is in full swing."

His reply surprised Nina a little. She never thought that Cameron would consider so much for her. To be honest, they were no longer young, and they were already married. His parents and family would probably urge them to give birth soon. However, he had promised so firmly that he would not let her give up her career for procreation.

Nina's eyes were a bit red. Cameron kissed her gently on her mouth and said, "Also, I don't like children. I only like you. I just want to be with you every moment."

Nina was speechless. She had never seen someone like him, who only cared about the world of two and was unwilling to have a child.

"Children are so cute, why don't you like them?" When Nina talked about this topic, her eyes were full of yearning. "Our children must be very good-looking. Just thinking about it makes my heart melt."

Cameron didn't want to talk about children at this time. At least now they have to finish the business which could help make babies.

As a result, Nina wanted to say something further, but was interrupted by Cameron's actions. This continued until Nina was completely exhausted.

Nina was exhausted. She lay in Cameron's arms and didn't even want to move.

"I investigated Andrew Sonfield. He and Jillian Harrison are lovers." Cameron took the initiative to mention this matter. Nina wasn't surprised. She had basically guessed this.


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