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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 641

Cameron looked at Lucien thoughtfully and asked, "Have you ever thought about why Allstar Entertainment signed Melanie so easily?"

"At most, she has some talent in singing and dancing, but she's not outstanding enough in the entertainment industry. Moreover, her age does not have any advantages."

Which of the younger stars in the entertainment industry did not have many talents?

Moreover, many of them debuted at the age of eighteen or nineteen. They were either involved in movies or television projects. At Melanie's age and with her own conditions, it was impossible for an entertainment company to sign her.

Lucien nodded and said, "I know. She must have mentioned our relationship with her. Allstar Entertainment thought that she had a good relationship with us. If they sign her, it would be equivalent to pulling a stable investment for them."

Lucien was not a muddle-headed person. He could naturally think of the reason.

Cameron had the same judgment as him. He sneered and mocked, "Are we so stupid in their eyes? We don't spend our hard-earned money on our women but on an unrelated person?"

Lucien had not felt much before, but now that he had Sylvie in his heart, so Cameron's words made him nod in agreement. "Yes."

Wasn't it nice to buy delicious food for the girl he loved?

Wasn't it nice to buy clothes and jewelry for the girl he loved?

Wasn't it nice to give her a generous and rich life, raise her to be cute, and happy?

Even if he wanted to spend all his wealth, it must be for the girl he loved.

Cameron continued, "Since they love dreams so much, then let their dreams be shattered."

Melanie may appear to be an innocent little girl. But in fact, she was not a person who did not know anything. The reason she had mentioned her relationship with him and Lucien was to help her get the contract signed. From this, it could be seen that she was not simple.

Lucien nodded. "If we meet her again, I'll be a bit more ruthless and let her completely drop her expectations of us."

Cameron had always been too lazy to pay attention to Melanie. Presumably, Melanie also knew this, but he had always taken care of Melanie. He was afraid that Melanie would not be able to recognize the reality that he was now too lazy to pay attention to her and she would continue to find him to cause trouble.

When Lucien thought of this, he had an idea in his heart.

He thought that he might have a suitable excuse to get close to Sylvie, so he took out his phone to send a message to Sylvie.

He first asked, "Sylvie, are you busy?"

Sylvie's real name was actually Sylvia Steinfeld. However, Nina and the others felt that calling her Sylvie was convenient and more intimate, and it also suited her somewhat playful personality. Therefore, Sylvie now became her commonly-used name. Whether it was in private or in the workplace, everyone liked to call her Sylvie.

Sylvie replied to Lucien, "I'm fine."

At this time, Sylvie had already followed Nina to the filming site. The two of them went back to the hotel to tidy up and then rushed to the film set without stopping. Nina was very dedicated and did not waste a minute of the crew's time.

Nina went to shooting. Sylvie had some time on the side, so she replied to Lucien.

Lucien said, "I... have something I want to ask you for help with."

"What is it?" Sylvie was very puzzled. She had just added Lucien on WhatsApp last night. It could be considered that they had just met last night. What could he ask her for help with?

He saw Lucien come back again. "May I ask you to be my girlfriend for the time being?"

At first, Sylvie thought that she had seen wrongly. She widened her eyes and looked at it carefully again. After confirming the contents of Lucien's message, she was completely stunned.

What was this person talking about?


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