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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 643

"Anyway, you should do your friend a favor since you have promised Lucien. As for how your relationship goes in the future, just let it take its course." Nina comforted Sylvie again.

Sylvie thought Nina's word was very reasonable, "Yeah, since I have promised others, even though I made this choice out of impulsion, I can't go back on it. Just let it be for now."

Anyway, she has been accompanying Nina in the filming for this period of time. She couldn't meet Lucien for now and there was no feeling of embarrassment or discomfort.

In Riverside City.

Cameron was attending a banquet with Lucien at night. The doorbell of his house rang suddenly when they were leaving the house.

He went to open the door in confusion. There was a male staff in uniform, who smiled and said to him, "Mr. Dauster. Good evening, I'm a staff of Lorlene Jewelry and I am coming by the direct order from our boss. I am here to deliver this jewel."

Although he was skeptical about this, Cameron glanced at the man and took the box over.

Lorlene Jewelry?

He had heard the name of this brand before, but he had never ordered any jewelry from them.

Cameron opened the box in his hand, and it turned out to be a ring. Judging from the size of the ring, it was obviously made for a male. Cameron picked up the ring, examined it carefully, and found a few letters engraved on the ring, "N&N forever".

Cameron instantly understood who sent him this ring. It turned out to be Nina.

Seeing the expression on his face, the staff member added, "Our boss said that she specially entrusted her friend to design it for you. Please sign here."

Cameron happily took the pen and signed it. He hadn't recalled the brand of jewels. The current person in charge of Lorlene Jewelry was Jean Hilgard. Jean was Emelia's friend, so Nina certainly knew her as well.

After closing the door, Cameron immediately put the ring on. He just couldn't help smiling.

Last time, when he asked Nina for a ring, he didn't actually take it seriously. Although she made fun of him back then, she even carefully prepared it for him.

And the ring was specially designed and made by her friend with their names engraved. He could actually feel her love.

This ring was delivered at the right time. He now could put it on before he went to deal with Douglas. This had greatly boosted his confidence. Now he had every reason to tell Douglas to stay away from her wife.

After calming down his joyful mood, he made a video call to Nina. Once she appeared on the screen, he couldn't help smiling and said, "I had gotten the ring. I like it very much, thank you."

Nina said, "I heard that someone is going to attend a banquet tonight. I asked Jean to nail the ring as soon as possible so that he can wear it. Now, there will be no malicious women getting close to you."

Cameron told Nina that he was going to a dinner banquet tonight, but he didn't say that he was going to go deal with Douglas once for all. Nina was surprised that he suddenly agreed to go to the banquet since he has been the one who never show off himself. Cameron only explained that that he should get used to such social activities because he couldn't let Lucien handle all these by himself.

Nina didn't think maybe he was going for Douglas. In her opinion, Cameron was now very popular. Even if he had announced that he was married, there would inevitably be some sluts trying to develop a relationship with him. Therefore, she called Jean Hilgard immediately, hoping that Cameron could wear the ring before the banquet today.

Cameron couldn't help laughing when he heard her jealous tone, "It's rare for the big-heart Nina to worry about those women around me."

Nina protested dissatisfiedly, "I have a big heart? You don't know how scary I am when I get jealous?"


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