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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 646

Melanie was so hurt that she felt as if she had been to hell. Her arm rubbed on the rough ground, and instantly burst into a burning pain. Melanie immediately burst into tears.

Cameron took another step back with disgust expression, staring coldly at Rebecca who hurried over to help Melanie.

The expression on Rebecca's face was very distressed, "Oh my dear, why are you walking so carelessly? Does it hurt?"

Rebecca pretended to care a lot about Melanie, while Melanie was looking at Cameron with tears in her eyes. Cameron hated her behavior. But for the sake of his mentor, he kindly reminded Melanie.

He glanced at Rebecca next to him, and then asked Melanie, "Do you know what nickname this person next to you has in the circle?"

Rebecca 's expression changed, and a trace of embarrassment flashed on her face.

Melanie asked with a puzzled look, "What nickname?"

"The Bawd of Allstar." Cameron spit out a few words indifferently.

Melanie's face turned pale immediately, and her whole body was trembling. Especially when she thought of what Rebecca had said to her before… Ask her to use her body to exchange investments. Her despicability has been well known to the industry…

Melanie's tears flushed out all of a sudden. She tried to reach out and grab Cameron, "Cameron, please help me. Please help me terminate the contract."

Cameron avoids Melanie's hand and announces mockingly, "I remain the same attitude. You have to bear the consequences of what you choose."

Cameron relentlessly turned around and left.

Lucien had tried to persuade Melanie that she had better leave the Riverside City and go back to her parents earlier. But not only did she not listen, she still insisted on entering the turbulent entertainment industry. Isn't this courting her own tragedy?

Spoiled people like Melanie deserves some unfortune in their lives.

Cameron left without even looking back. Melanie burst into tears of despair.

Rebecca was so annoyed that she simply stepped forward and dragged her into the car. They were leaving the party now. With Melanie's behavior now, they couldn't stay at the banquet.

After Melanie stopped crying in the car, she started to reason with Rebecca. She was also quite domineering, and she yelled at Rebecca, "Rebecca, you damn liar! You didn't actually want to make me a star when you signed me. You've planned to sell my body from the very beginning!"

Rebecca pushed her back and said, "Who is the liar here? Didn't you lie to me?"

"You know clearly that Cameron doesn't love you and that Lucien's attitude to you has also changed, but you still say that you have a good relationship with them deliberately. Those crap that you are their junior sister and they dote on you? These are all lies so that I can recruit and promote you!"

"You claimed that I've set you up? Since you were recruited by the company, you have to make money for the company, no matter what method you use!"

"I want to terminate the contract! I want to terminate it!" Melanie cried.

Rebecca snorted coldly, "Same result. You can terminate the contract and walk away freely if you pay enough liquidated damages!"

Melanie completely collapsed.

Cameron entered the venue with an indifferent expression. Lucien saw him at a glance. He immediately pulled him over and start the annoying formalities of greetings and introductions. Cameron was very tired.

Ever since Camcien had revealed Cameron's identity, this was the first time he attended the banquet in public. It was conceivable that the celebrities will try their best to talk to him.

These young talents will be the mainstay of the business community from Riverside City in the future, or even the mainstay of the entire society. They must set up a good relationship with them.

After finally escaping from the siege of these people, Cameron declared to Lucien immediately, "I don't want to participate in such occasions anymore in the future."


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