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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 649

When Nina was filming at night, Sylvie was dozing off on the set.

When the phone rang, she glanced at it and saw it was Lucien, she suddenly remembered that she had promised him to pretend to be his girlfriend, and she woke up in an instant.

Staring at the caller ID, Sylvie was quite vexed, because she didn't know what tone to use when she picked up the call. Although she was pretending to be his girlfriend, her tone must not be too strong and she should be tender and sweet. But she really couldn't talk to Lucien in that tone.

In the end, she still answered the phone and said only one word, "Hello…"

The less you say, the less you give away, right?

However, although she only said one word, the man on the other side of the phone still sense the tiredness in her tone and he whispered, "So sleepy?"

The man's voice was low and gentle, and in the noisy night, Sylvie's heart suddenly pounded crazily.

She rubbed her eyes with trembling hands, and then explained a little embarrassedly, "Sorry. I almost fell asleep just now."

"I heard that you have to shoot for a whole night tonight?" For some reason, after the call was connected, Lucien completely forgot that he made the call to prove that he had a girlfriend.

As soon as he heard Sylvie's voice, his attention was completely attracted to her, so he started chatting with her.

Her voice was hoarse and her tone was also very weak. She must be sleepy.

He remembered that Cameron talked about Nina tonight's shooting and knew that she must be staying with Nina on the set right now. He couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Sylvie replied, "Well, there have been a lot of night scenes recently."

As soon as Sylvie's words fell, Melanie couldn't stand it any longer. She had known Lucien for so long and she had never heard him speak in such a tone.

Although he was very pampered and indulgent to her before, he would never speak to her in such a tone.

He sounded so very gentle.

She had always thought that he was good to her before, but after hearing the words he said just now, she understood the difference between the two tones.

She stepped forward and snatched his cell phone, and yelled at the person on the phone, "Who are you? When did you two hook up with each other?"

When Sylvie heard Melanie's scream, she immediately realized that she needed to take action.

So she immediately put on the stance of a real girlfriend, and unceremoniously said to Melanie, "What does it matter with you?

"Who are you? Why are you by my boyfriend's side in the middle of the night? Isn't it because you want to get on my boyfriend with bad intentions?"

"Lucien, give me an explanation!"

All-day long with Nina on the set, Sylvie had also picked up a thing or two about acting.

She managed to play the role of a girlfriend easily.

Melanie was speechless by her response.

She not only claimed to be his girlfriend, but also directly exposed her attempt, and even rudely called Lucien to explain it to her. She was so arrogant and natural, which meant she must be his girlfriend.

Melanie really believed that Sylvie on the other end of the phone was his boyfriend and immediately burst into tears.

She bellowed, "You shameless bitch!"

Lucien saw that she was speaking so nasty, so he immediately took back the phone and pulled her aside, and warned her coldly, "Watch your tongue! You don't get to talk to her like that!"

Lucien was really angry. The girl on the other end of the phone was someone he cherished, but Melanie had cursed her like that. He wanted to tear Melanie's mouth apart.

Lucien was very worried that Sylvie would be sad if she was scolded innocently. He was about to apologize when he heard her shouting on the phone, "Give her the phone! I'm gonna roast her!"


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