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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 658

Nina didn't ask how Cameron dealt with her father, nor did she ask what would happen to Cory after he was taken away by the police. It didn't matter to her. From now on Dominic and Cory were only strangers to her.

And she didn't have to envy others who had a happy family. Now she also had a family, a family given by Cameron Dauster.

And she finally got rid of her evil parents and younger brother.

Cameron soon replied, "It's my luck to fall in love with you."

Tears welled up in Nina's eyes when she smiled happily and sweetly as she saw those words on the screen.

Love might be the only thing in this world that could make one smile and cry at the same time.

Nina then received a call from Marisa Midgarden. Though Dominic had told her not to bother Nina or Cameron, she still phoned Marisa.

Cory was her sweetheart. Marisa felt as if she would end up dying alone since her son had been arrested.

And Dominic couldn't stop her from calling Nina.

Marisa begged Nina on the phone, "Please, Nina, please, tell Cameron to let Cory go."

Nina sneered, "Sorry, but that's not what Cameron and I could help. The police have got the evidence."

Marisa said again, "Then could you tell Cameron to ask the police to reduce his prison sentences?"

"No," Nina declined without hesitation, "Why didn't you think how your son would suffer when you conspired with Jillian Harrison against me?"

"He deserves it. Hell is the only destiny for a drug addict."

"Nina!" Marisa cried and Nina hung up the phone instantly.

It was quite funny. Why would Marisa think any problem could be solved by money or relationship?

She didn't know how terrible her son was!

Cory was not only a drug addict but also a possible drug dealer. This was not as simple as sending him to rehab.

In Nina's mind, sending him to prison could at least prevent him from hurting other people.

It was said that the society would play to role to educate one's child if he failed to do so.

Jillian would also suffer the same.

She sold everything she could sell from her house, her car to her purses, to pay for the penalties. After all those ended, she couldn't afford a meal.

Jillian found Rebecca for help, but Rebecca didn't let her enter her house.

"I want to help you. But just see what you can do right now?" Rebecca's situation was a bit better than Jillian's. After all, she didn't live on her fame and face.

But she was blamed by her boss, who ordered her to make Melanie Blanchard a famous actress, otherwise, he would fire her.

Jillian said worriedly, "I can do anything you want. I don't even have a house to live…"

After a while, Rebecca replied smilingly, "Okay. Then do me a favor and I can lend my empty house to you."

"What favor?"

"You know, now Melanie is the only hope of mine. You get her to sleep with Mr. Fletcher, whatever method you use, and thereby I can get his investment."

"No problem," Jillian said instantly.

"Give me what I need. I will ask Melanie out." Jillian said.


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