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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 686

Chapter 686 Strong Response

"Indeed. It's ok if haters want to use bots to smear me. I can quit the entertainment business and go to learn fashion


Nina was worried that she never got time to do the things she liked. It's the perfect timing for her to pick up something


"You don't need to.” Emelia thought Nina's announcement of her marriage was not something heinous. What else could

those haters do?

"Right. You shouldn't worry about it." Nina comforted Emelia. She was afraid that Emelia might feel sick because of mood


Nina and Emelia were calm and poised, but those fans who watched Emelia's streaming had freaked out.

Someone screen shot the scene of Nina and Cameron kissing and post it on twitter. After simmering, the hashtag "Nina

smooches a man’ went on trend.

Soon the hashtags “Nina's secret marriage” and "Nina pretends to be single” also went on trend. "Nina pretends to be

single" even went on No.1 trend. Nina was thrown into the center of the storm.

People jeered in the comments and accused Nina of pretending to be single. They even dished the dirt and drag the dating

show into it. They questioned why Nina announced that she would intend the show since she was not single then.

People even accused Nina of being unscrupulous because of money. In a word, the haters came to look for trouble.

Nina had predicted it. She had been through all kinds of rumor and scandals. Nothing would hurt her now.

She also knew that there were countless actresses in this business, but opportunities were limited. If they could tear her

down, then there would be one less strong rival in the future.

As things went escalated, there weren't only haters. Those who hardly had any contact with her might also join in.

Nina was decisive and immediately tweeted:

First, I've got married with Mr. Dauster. He is no player. He is my husband and my loved one from the first sight.

Ever since high school, he has been the one in my heart. I only love him from the past to the future.

Second, I never pretend to be single.

When I decided to take part in the dating show, I was single, he was not in the country. Everyone can find out the time he

came back from abroad. He was taken photos at the airport that day.

We hadn't met for years nor contacted before he was back.

Third, we got married after I quit the show. I didn't lie to the show or the public. I'll post the marriage certificate so you can

make clear of the timeline.

Fourth, I didn't announce our relationship because he is not in this circle. I don't want him to be bothered.

Fifth, I planned to make public our relationship later today. Because he was not in a good mood today, I want to make him


That's all I want to say.

Nina's response was tough and yet sincere. This was how she had confronted the haters, by being tough and straight to

the point.


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