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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 688

Chapter 688 He Is Irreplaceable

Nina was hesitating when she received a message from Sherlyn on her phone, "Don't tell Viggo!”

Then Nina knew instantly that they were not reconciled.

Sherlyn has always been strong, and Nina knew very well that at this time, she must not want Viggo to compromise and

come to her because she was suffering from morning sickness while pregnant with his child.

So, she replied to her, "I see, if you need someone, call me or Sylvie."

Sherlyn didn't send her any message back. Nina could imagine what Sherlyn was thinking at this time. She must be

thinking that she has survived so many ups and downs, how could she be defeated by morning sickness?

Sometimes being too tough is not a good thing. It would make you suffer a lot more.

After seeing Cameron prepare a table of dishes and opened a botile of red wine, Nina asked in surprise, "What is this for?"

"Celebration." Cameron said, and then came over and put his arms around her waist, "From today, we can kiss and hold

hands in the public. We must celebrate”

"Sure; Nina leaned against him and felt extremely comfortable.

Fortunately, she never gave up.

Neither did he.

The two of them sat down and were about to eat when Nina's cell phone rang. It was Edwin Hodge.

Nina thought that he was calling about the car. She was busy all day dealing with the "aftermath" of her marriage

announcement and she hadn't had time to return the car to him.

When she picked up the phone, she heard Edwin said painfully, “Do you love him that much? No matter if it was in the past,

present, or future, you only love him?"

Obviously, he also saw her statement and knew her affection for Cameron. He was severely stimulated, which is why he

made this phone call.

"Edwin, you are drunk.” Nina caught the drunkenness in his tone.

“I'm not drunk!" He shouted, "Not at all!”

"I just don't understand, what's so good about him that made you keep thinking about him for so many years?"

"While I was the first to know you and I was the first to fall in love with you!"

Edwin was really drunk, and he vented the pain in his heart.

"You guys broke up and you haven't been in touch for so many years. I've been by your side for the past two years, why

can't you love me?"

Edwin got drunk and made trouble. Cameron, who was sitting opposite Nina, couldn't bear it. He got up to take her phone

and confront him.

While Nina motioned him to calm down first, then she held the phone and said to Edwin lightly, "He is irreplaceable in my


After Nina said this, she simply hung up the phone, too lazy to listen to his crazy words.

She originally thought that Edwin could handle himself, but she didn't expect him to go crazy after drinking a little wine.


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