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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 692

Chapter 692 Humiliated


After Sylvie sent the message, she put her phone aside happily, hugged Nina and said, "Nina, you're so smart. I hadn't

thought of the idea. I was so vexed at it just now. I didn't know how I should reply to Andrew.”


Although deep inside, she was disgusted with Andrew Sonfield, because Nina had to keep working with him in the same

crew for along while, she couldn't yell at or beat him. The best she could do was to ignore him.


Now that she had told Andrew that she had a boyfriend, she could finally get rid of him.


However, on the other side, Andrew, who had just received Sylvie's message, looked indifferent after he read the message.

He could tell she was lying in one fell swoop. How could Sylvie possibly have a boyfriend?


Sylvie had been working with Nina the whole time and followed Nina everywhere, but he had never seen any man around

her. Besides, Sylvie didn't look like she was in a relationship at all. Andrew had been with a lot of women before, and he thought he

knew women enough to tell if Sylvie was in a relationship or not.


However, as if he had suddenly thought of something, Andrew frowned.


He once saw her in the hotel lobby when she was going out with Lucien. Were they dating?


The next moment, he was relieved again. Lucien would never date someone like Sylvie. He was the new money in Riverside

City while Sylvie was just an assistant. She was not good enough for Lucien.


In fact, Andrew thought she was not even good enough for him. He only wanted to sleep with her, but didn't want to be in a

relationship with her.


As an actor who was somewhat famous, he normally wouldn't date someone like Sylvie. However, she always treated him

like he was nothing, which stimulated his desire to win.


The more she treated him like that, the more he wanted to get her.


He thought that with his charm, he should be able to get her soon. As an actor, he was good-looking. Besides, he had been

in this industry for years, although he wasn't very famous, he had starred in a lot of movies and plays and was much richer than her,

an assistant.


He simply needed to talk some sweet words to her and keep showing up in front of her to get her to fall for him. By the

time he was tired of her, he would dump her, so as to take revenge on her for her indifference to him.


As he was thinking about it, he texted her back. "Sylvie, others might buy your story, but not me. I've been working with you

for a while and I think I would've known it if you already had a boyfriend."


After he sent the message, Andrew put down his phone with a confident smile, grabbed the coffee at his hand and started

drinking it.


He had a lot of tricks for young girls like Sylvie.


On the other side, when Sylvie saw the message, she was disgusted again.


She handed her phone to Nina and said, “Have you seen how he talks to me? I don't know where he got the confidence to

think that he could see through me and was sure that I'm single!"


After reading the message, Nina didn't know what to say for a moment. She didn't expect that Andrew still wouldn't give up.


She handed Sylvie's phone back to her and said, "In this case, you should just tell him that your boyfriend is Lucien”


"Okay; Sylvie nodded.


Originally, she didn't intend to tell Andrew her relationship with Lucien. After all, they were only pretending to be a couple.

But Andrew kept pestering her, which left her no choice.


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