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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 701

After refuting those haters, Nina arrived at the set. She then got busy filming.

At halftime, Nina received a phone call from Cameron. "I have visited many houses. Will you come and take a look after work?"

"No, it's up to you. I believe in your choice." Nina completely trusted Cameron's taste.

Cameron smiled. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Nina replied.

Cameron's voice softened. "Then can you pick out some furniture with me when you're free?"

"No problem." Nina was very interested in decoration, especially when it was the house she would live in with Cameron. She would be very serious about it.

Nina added, "I'll finish work early this afternoon. Will you come to pick me up?"

"Okay," Cameron was naturally willing to pick up Nina. He couldn't go to the set before their relationship was made public. But now, he could go to see Nina without any worries.

After Nina finished the conversation, Sylvie covered his mouth and exclaimed, "My goodness! What I read in the romance novels happened in real life."

Words failed Nina.

"Why are you so excited?" As Nina drank the water, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"To take good care of you, Mr. Dauster is going to buy a house near the set. This happens only in romance novels or films.

I'm so envious!" Sylvie's eyes were filled with envy.

"You are not single, either. Why not ask Lucien to buy one for you?" Nina's words dragged Sylvie to reality from fantasy.

Sylvie said with a shrug, "You and Mr. Dauster are a couple and have been together for a long time. On the contrary, I've just begun to date him."

"Besides, as his new girlfriend, I can't ask him to buy me a house here. The others would think of me as a gold digger."

Nina smiled, "I was joking with you. I know you're not that kind of person."

Nina added, "Actually, I don't want Cameron to buy the house here, either. But men have a mindset different from ours, I guess."

Sylvie laughed. "No matter what, he is trying to provide a better life for you."

Around 3 p.m., when Nina finished her work today, Cameron was waiting for her outside the set.

Unlike Lucien, Cameron didn't like socializing, so he chose to wait in the car. However, he knew the rules, so he ordered coffee, dessert, and fresh juice for everyone in the crew.

Nina did not know this at all. When she finished work, Sylvie said to her in a low voice, "Mr. Dauster said that he was waiting for you outside, but he ordered all these coffee and dessert."

A crew member walked over and held the juice in his hand as he thanked Nina, "Nina, thank you and Mr. Dauster."

"He ordered these in his name," Sylvie smirked. "He could only use your name last time. But this time, on the receipt was "Cameron Dauster". Everyone knows that he is your husband."

"He's showing off your relationship." Sylvie came to this conclusion.

Nina smiled, "Men can be very childish sometimes."

Nina turned around and asked Sylvie, "Where is my coffee?"


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