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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 708

They fought all the way and soon arrived downstairs.

Nina, who had been walking intimately holding on to Cameron's arm, suddenly let go of him and took a few steps back, keeping her distance from him.

Cameron was confused and disgruntled. "Why did you get so far?"

"I want the girls to think you're single," she says, smiling slyly. "I'll let them chat with you for a while, and then, I come up to announce that you're my husband. How great will that be?"

Cameron was exasperated. "They are bugging you so much? I didn't even take a look at them."

"You don't understand," Nina says, shaking her index finger

"I just love the feeling of making them embarrassed so as to let them remember that you are mine and they should look somewhere else."

She was so glib that Cameron could do nothing but indulge her.

As soon as they reached the front of the building, two or three girls came out. Seeing Cameron alone, they came over excitedly and said, "Hi, Handsome."

Cameron instantly frowned in disgust and decided to step aside to avoid them.

Who would have thought that they were really unrelenting, they stopped him to continue to ask, "Handsome, do you have a girlfriend? Can I have your number?"

"We were waiting for you today. You are so hot."

"I'm married," Cameron announced bluntly and ruthlessly.

"What?" The girls looked at each other in disbelief, unable to believe what they were hearing.

How can such a good man marry so young?

Cameron raised his left hand. On his ring finger was the wedding ring that Nina had given him. He hadn't taken it off since the moment he received it.

The girls were completely stunned.

Cameron thought that if he was going to make a statement like that, they'd be done with it, but when he was about to leave, one of the girls came back to her senses and said, "Handsome, why would such a good man like you get married so early? I think you're lying to us. That ring of yours is actually an accessory, isn't it?"

"That's right," two of the girls said, nodding.

Cameron's face cooled instantly.

They didn't believe him when he said he was married?

That's pretty cheeky.

Cameron looked back at Nina, warning her with his eyes that he would be angry if she didn't come over soon.

Nina, who was watching the scene with her arms crossed, was alerted by Cameron's gaze and took action.

She was wearing tight black yoga pants, a short black sports shirt, long legs and waist, fair and beautiful, and her figure was perfectly proportioned and slim, it was enough to kill those girls.

The girls followed Cameron's gaze, only to see a gorgeous woman approaching them. When they looked again, they exclaimed, "Nina Sanchez?"

After all, Nina was an A-list female star. At this moment, she did not hide her face at all. Even though she did not wear any makeup, they still recognized her at a glance, and they were jealous of the state of her bare skin.


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