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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 712

"Sherlyn is right. The public should see the good in you. You deserve everybody's love." Cameron agreed with Sherlyn. He and Sherlyn wanted Nina to get better from the bottom of their hearts.

Cameron put his hands around her waist, and Nina leaned into his arms, "Actually, I am not really interested in it."

People said that high-profiled relationship wouldn't last long. Nina was fearful of the curse.

She wanted to be with Cameron forever. So, she hesitated this time. She didn't face any sort of risk, even if it was superstition.

She never hid her beauty and wealth. Because she didn't care if one day she would lose them.

But not so with Cameron. She cared about him. She couldn't lose him.

"Then don't. It's all up to you," said Cameron.

Nina got up from his arms, and asked in confusion, "Why did they invite us suddenly? Is there any news about us?"

Nina took out her phone with her keen intuition as an actress and found that the news about she and Cameron going to the movies was on the trend because the two were too sweet throughout the whole process. Many people eagerly wanted to see them in the reality show for couples.

Nina was amused. "The power of people is so strong that the producers of the show were persuaded."

Cameron glanced at the tweet posted by the director of the reality show and commented silently in his heart that the director was pretty self-aware. He knew that Nina and he might not accept the invitation.

Cameron was satisfied with this, but if Nina decided not to go, he had no opinion.

"I'll think about it." Nina then took Cameron's arm and left. But as soon as the two walked to the parking lot and sat in the car, Cameron's phone rang.

It was from Lucien, who said sadly on the phone, "Mr. Dauster, would you please come to the company after your date? You haven't been here for quite a while. There are many things that urgently needed to be solved.

Lucien saw the news of Nina and Cameron. So, he waited and immediately called when the movie finished.

When he learned that Cameron was going back from abroad, Lucien had made plans to travel around the world. However, Cameron had been chasing Nina since he came back.

So, it made no difference whether Cameron was back or abroad. Lucien still needed to take care of Camcien Lifetech. He didn't expect Cameron to be so addicted to love. Now after he married, he spent all his time with his wife.

Cameron protested over Lucien's complaint, "I used to be abroad all the year-round, but Camcien still managed to run well, didn't it?

"And my job is mainly on R&D. The new program is already done.

"Besides, I've come back twice to deal with issues of the research team during the month I stayed in Jamelaton."

Although he was in Jamelaton, Cameron didn't neglect his work at all. During the period, the team encountered two bottlenecks. And for both times, he returned to Riverside City to fight the fire and provide guidance immediately.

Lucien was furious. "Twice? Do you mean you rushed back to Jamelaton twice? "

He wanted to spend some time with Cameron, eating, drinking, and talking. But he didn't give him the chance. What a friend!


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