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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 718

Cameron said, "I am afraid the child would be educated in a wrong way."

He looked at Nina and added, "I mean, we might have different opinions about parenting. If…"

Nina interrupted, "Hey! It's not that we are having a baby tomorrow. You are overthinking."

She leaned back, saying, "Drive. I am sleepy."

So, Cameron stopped speaking and started to drive.

Before falling asleep, Nina whispered in Cameron's arms, "I don't want to go to that reality show for couples."

"Alright." Cameron agreed without hesitation.

Nina smiled, "Don't you even want to know the reason?"

Cameron held her tighter, "I agree with whatever you decided."

Nina laughed. Then she told him the reason, "I've exposed myself in the public when I work. I don't want my private life to be watched."

"Someone people are dark. They couldn't stand seeing others doing better than them. If we are too high-profiled, they might be jealous."

"People in this industry get worried when they are not famous, but once they are, they would have more worries."

Nina complained about the show-biz, leaning her chin on Cameron's chest.

"I wish I wasn't famous. So, people won't pay attention to me. I can act as I want.

"But now every time I play a role, there would be discussions or even debates. It's quite confusing to me, because I'm the one doing the job, what is it have to do with them? If they have so many opinions, why don't they just take my role and do the performance themselves?

"I miss the time when I was just a nameless actress. I could go out without being noticed, let alone being surrounded. I could go to a lot of places. I could travel, eat at restaurants, and go shopping. I could dress the way I like. I could talk and laugh freely."

Now Nina couldn't do those things anymore. Paparazzi were everywhere. Many people couldn't understand why did celebrities need so many bodyguards. They wouldn't need that if the fans were less enthusiastic. Without the bodyguards, celebrities wouldn't be able to make a single move.

Cameron chuckled, "That doesn't sound like you."

Nina snorted without even thinking much. "I have someone to care about now, therefor I changed."

She didn't care about what people said when she was alone. In the worst case, she would just quit the show-biz. But now things were different.

The man she loved deeply had returned to her. They built a family. She wanted to keep this warmth forever. She couldn't afford to lose. She didn't want people to judge him because of her.

After she finished speaking, Cameron pinned her down in the bed with a smirk. It turned out it was his trick. He wanted to hear her say that she cared about him.

What a cunning man!

Nina was tricked again.

Nina returned to the crew with Cameron after making arrangements for Dominic. For a person like Dominic, recovering after a stroke was important. So, Nina settled Dominic in one of the best rehabilitation nursing homes in Riverside City. She hired a long-time caregiver for him.


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