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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 723

Sylvie laughed and said, "She did say that, didn't she? I have got to teach her a lesson some time. Oh, and you're not just better than her nephew. You totally whop him."

Sylvie complemented the man in his face very proudly, while he cocked his lip into a gentle smile.

He was still leaning against the trunk, in the way he felt nicer holding the woman.

Finally, he had kissed her and hold her as closely as that. He wished she could have stayed in his arms forever.

But with people walking by, it wouldn't be appropriate for them to stay that way, so he stroke the woman's silky hair and said softly, "You'd better go home and grab some sleep, and I will go to the hotel. As much I want to stay with you, it aches my heart to see you sleep-deprived."

Sylvie rose from his arms, and just when she was about to say something, Lucien held her hand again. "Let's go. I will walk you home."

She then kept quiet, following him back to her parents' house meekly.

What she had meant to say was that it would be fine to sleep at the hotel and she knew that he wouldn't cross the line, but she was discouraged to say that after the interruption.

As soon as she got home, her mother started to question her, "What are you doing here? Did I not tell you to show him around?"

Sylvie, who had thrown herself into the couch, was drowsing. "He asked to go home and take some nap."

The parents looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that he was a very loving boyfriend.

"Go to your bedroom," said the mother to the daughter, who murmured something, got up and went back to her room. But the former soon followed after her into the room.

"Did you run into the woman who set you up with her nephew?" asked the mother curiously.

"How do you know that?" asked Sylvie, opening her eyes.

The mother sniffed and said, "She just called me and asked if you are home, and said that she seemed to have seen you with a man."

"Well," said Sylvie, "I did see her, but me and Lucien hid away from her."

Sylvie said in a regretful and reproachful tone, "Why did you hide? You should have shown her how great your boyfriend is, so that she can just stop bitching about you."

With a resigned sigh, Sylvie clutched the quilt, rose and turned to her mother, saying earnestly, "That's the way she is. You really think she'd stop doing that if she had seen him today?"

"Or it would just make her worse when she became jealous of me, because Lucien is so great."

The mother was surprised to see her daughter so sensible. Normally, any woman who had a boyfriend like Lucien would be so proud and couldn't wait to show him off, but she was so cool and nonchalant. She was wondering whom the daughter took after.

She agreed with her anyway. With a nod, she said, "You're right. She can't stand to see others being happy. You did a right thing."

"Alright, just go to sleep." With that the mother got up and left. Sylvie was finally able to sleep tight.

Sylvie's solution was to avoid that middle-aged woman however she could, but things didn't always go well. That evening when Lucien came to take her and her parents out for dinner, he ran right into her.


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