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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 728

"Believe me, I've seen a lot, but none of them are as attractive as you. You are so beautiful. Your every move fascinates me." The French man was still unwilling to give up.

The smile on Nina's face disappeared a little. The man just did not know when to stop and it was annoying.

Originally she just wanted to have a romantic dinner with Cameron in peace. When she and Cameron first came here, there were not many people paying attention to her. Now everyone around recognized her thanks to him.

She didn't want to talk to this man or "show off" her French, but after many years in the entertainment industry, she quite understood the hidden rules of it. She knew that since someone had helped her to talk to this man on this occasion if she kept silent, others would think she didn't know French at all, and her being "stupid" by not able to speak French could go wild in those tabloids.

Over the years, many male and female stars in the entertainment industry have been ridiculed because of their poor French. She knew she had to speak to protect herself.

However, the foreign man just did not know when to quit. Nina had to say, "just now this gentleman has explained to you. I am already married, sorry."

"How is that possible?" The man didn't believe it. "Didn't they say you were a famous star? It's impossible that you get married at such a young age!"

Nina gave out a cold smile, "In my case, I met the right guy."

The man wanted to say something more but his shoulder suddenly felt pressure and a deep voice came into his ears, "I am her husband. Do you have anything else to say? You can talk to me."

He looked up in astonishment and saw a handsome man standing beside him. The man held the plate in one hand and pressed the other hand on his shoulder.

Although he looked very calm, he could feel his power and anger by the force he used on his shoulder. He immediately knew this was not a man to mess up with.

"Anything else? If not, please excuse us as we are about to have our dinner." Cameron looked at him from a commanding position, and quietly increased the strength of his hands.

That man had to stand up. Unwillingly he left because he finally knew he had no chance at all.

Originally, he wanted to keep pestering her for a while. He was very confident about his appearance and his fit body. He also assumed that the "husband" of a young beautiful actress would always be an old man with a wallet as fat as his belly.

But the moment he saw Cameron, he grew even a little ashamed of himself.

He did not expect that her husband was so young and handsome, and his fluent French showed that he was very well educated.

How could he compete with a man like this?

Cameron put the plate in front of Nina, and asked, "What else do you want to have? I'll get it."

Nina got up and took his arm. "I'll go with you."

Then the couple left for the food counter together.

As that man had just made a scene, everyone around already recognized her. Many people had been taking photos with mobiles. The romantic dinner on the beach she was looking forward to could not continue with this attention. They needed to switch to somewhere else.

If you are surrounded by a crowd of people, there would no romance whatsoever, and no one could swallow their dinner with all their eyes.

So she took the opportunity to get up and get food. After a few steps, she whispered to Cameron, "How about eating at another place?"

"Yes." Cameron also knew that they could not stay any longer.


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